🎉YAY!!! 2000 READS!!!😋

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Well guys, it's been a small journey, I think I only ever really started writing consistently in like the beginning of April. I really can't believe 2,000 people decided to read my book, so thank you all. 😁

I know it's mainly 'cause I wrote so many chapters, but 2,000 reads is 2,000 reads so imma smile a bit. Again, I know I haven't been writing as consistently, I remember pumping out a chapter like every other day, I'm trying to force myself to write at this point. It's still fun, but the pleasure I got from it is starting to drain a bit. So I'm trying to get back in gear. 😋

I'd like to shout out to some people who have helped me in different ways (whether they know or not) SnowyFeline, Crisp_Shade, and KingSquishySquish. A big thanks to all three of you, even if you don't know what you did. 😅 There are a couple groups I'd like to give credit to as well, TheStarSignSociety & RabidWriters, both of these groups have helped me through a tough time and I recommend joining. Just make sure read up on them of course. 😁

I'm also experimenting with two other furry romances, you guys seem to kinda like that, it won't have nearly the same level of crude sexual scenes, 🤢 but they might be nice. I'm planning one to be a short short for an experiment.

Don't forget that I don't mind constructive criticism and just talking. Don't feel like you're impeding, I'll tell you if its not a good time. Also, comments and votes help with my motivation levels, so that won't hurt!!!

     Oh yeah!!! Last thing, I promise. I'm thinking about cutting 'Furn Star' into two books. I'm not sure when the first book will end, but the second book will be a bit more plot and action based. Of course I'll incorporate romance as well. 😉

Thanks for listening, Topaz 😋
July 8, 2020

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