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Win's POV

I looked up as the line proceeded. He was next. He really was cute, not gonna lie. I kind of wanted to push him right up the table and ravish him right now. We've hardly known each other, I agree and probably this is why it's easier for me to say this stuff. I've never been into serious relationships ever since Nina had that accident three years ago and left me forever. Naah too much to take. It had been a really hard time and Dean had been beside me all the while, holding me while I'd cry at night and constantly being there when I woke up from my nightmares. I know people think I'm just a playboy, fooling around, and I really am, and I try to keep it like that. No strings attached. No more hurt .

Team really looked hot in his skinny black shorts. Ugh and he looks cute. Innocent. And he kind of reminds me of Nina. Those eyes. Honey coloured and his dark hair ruffled around , falling into his eyes. I tried to shake off the feeling. He's kind of making me hate him. I'm not sure. Ughhh.

"Sawasdee krab" he said quietly with a smile that was almost plastered yo his face all the goddamn time. Can he not stop smiling? Annoying kids. I nod my head without looking up. Then I ask his name. Of course I know it duh. But I'm not gonna want to appear like some freak or some creep who goes around staking first years.
"Fill up this form and get ready for the laps" I say, extra coldly than I tried to make it sound like. He didn't feel bad right? Shia! What am I thinking

"P'win!" He exclaimed.
I looked up, arching an eyebrow. Or atleast I think I did. I mean ugh what's wrong with me. This guy's making me nervous as fuck.

"You're P'Dean's friend right? My best friend, Pharm over there. I think they're dating. He won't tell me anything about it but do you know anything about it krab?" he said in an excited whisper, bending low over my desk, signing the sheets. Fuck. He smells good. I kind of want to pull his face and just kiss him right now. Damn I literally spoke to him the firts time today. He's not even that hot. His lips look good and plump though, and he's got radiant cheeks. NOT MY TYPEEE! my conscious reminds me.

"Yeah so? What do you want me to do about it. If you wanna know anything, go and ask you friend. Stop wasting my time here " I somehow manage.

Damn. What did I just say. He quickly stood straight from his former position. And looked almost hurt. His lips with a hint of a soft pout and tiny eyes peering. He quickly grabbed the application and moved away, allowing the next students to come.

Was I too mean to him? Dean looked at me from the podium and just shook his head like - either too cheesy or just a freaking devil. Have you got any midground seriously?

Sh he must be thinking i hate him. Or probably am just bullying him. I make up my mind that I'll make it up to him later. Today? Tomorrow? I don't know. But I do need to talk to him. Alone. Maybe give it a shot.

HOLD ME CLOSER-Win×Team fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now