chapter 6: MY SICK BABY

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Win's POV

I watch him as we are sittinh in the car, driving through the Avenue. If cuteness could kill, I'd be dead a thousand times by now.
He's sleeping like a baby and his head his swinging from side to side. I can't help but laugh. He's gonna hit his head on the glass and die.

I really don't wanna wake him but I have no idea where his dorm is and it's pretty late already.

"Team?" I nudge him slowly, trying to concentrate on the road. He won't wake up.
I could just take him to my place . I share my dorm with another guy who's gone back home for a vacation but that somehow doesn't feel right.

I reach across and gently touch his cheek, in an attempt to wake him up and I realise he's burning.
"Shia!? How the fuck did you get a fever in half an hour. That too while sleeping". I lowkey shout out and then realise how stupid and insensitive that probably sounds to him. In case he's listening. God knows. Aaah. It must be from staying in the water for too long and then the A.C. blowing into his face and chest. Poor boy.

I feel so terrible.

He slowly finally opens his eyes deliriously and slurs in his sleep "p-ah ah" sneezes. "I don't know how I caught this stupid cold "
He looks at me apologetically.
"Shia! How long have a been ah ah HACHHOOOOO!" "uh- sleeping?"

"Hey it's okay. I was just asking where your dorm is. You probably got a cold because of the water and the A.C."

"Makes sense" he rolls his eyes at me.


"Where do you live Phi? I live at the one in the fifth Avenue. Across the engineering faculty campus"

"Not kidding? At Shane's? "

"Yeah why?"

"Oh well I live there too. It's weird how I never saw you in the whole past one month."

"Well that's because I changed dorms so that I could live closer to the university. And also, I didn't really like the atmosphere in my previous hostel. That's why I changed it a week after I joined ."

"And that's why I never got to meet you at the tenants association."

"No. That's because I didn't want to attend the meeting of the association. Sucks"

We both laugh.

I park my car and help him get out. His soft body feel hot against mine and is really burning so I just ask him if I should help him to his room. He says no. I guess I'll just walk him to his room or something. After a few moments in the elevator where he's practically resting his whole weight on me, I help him to his room. He lives a floor below mine.

He gives me a small smile and disappears into his room, shutting his door.

I hear him groan and fall on the bed as I walk away.

Sorry guys! This is a short chapter . And kind of boring too. I know. Thanks for reading again. I've been a bit busy lately but I've got a lot of cheesy new twists. Keep reading by babies :3 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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