ch 14: History:Team's Past

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"P'Win please open the door! Please hear me out!" Team banged at his door.

"Come on in"Win said quietly, opening the door as he let Team in.
"I didn't want you to create a commotion in the corridor,  you don't have to explain anything. I'm done asking you all the time"

Team looked at Win with big tears rolling down his soft cheeks and his nose went red from all the crying as he sat at the edge of the bed and Win stood in front of him.

Win came closer to the bed, and kneeled down on the floor , so that he was facing the younger boy who was sobbing, then taking his weak , shaky hands , in his, he spoke slowly "I told you Team, you can be afraid of anything in the world, and I'llbe there beside you. What am I supposed to do if you don't share with me what's bothering you and take such drastic steps"

Team took a chokey breath and more tears rolled down and fell on Win's hands as he hung his head down.

"Look at me"win took his chin and made him look at him, then cupping his cheeks in his hands, he got up at sat on the bed, beside him.

"Do you realise what you've just done? Do you have any idea what would've happened if I didn't reach there on time"

"There would've been no other issues if that had happened. I would've been set free. Forever. No more pain."

"Don't say that ever again. Is that all the strength you've got? Is that all the trust you've got in me"

Win pulled him onto the bed and inside the covers, and held him in his arms as he sobbed and in between shaky breaths, finally managed to speak

"It's my dad. A-and my brother. He's back"

"What do you mean he's back"

Team got up and sat , to face Win and then said, burying his face into his knees as he spoke.

"I don't know how to say this. You're probably going to leave me and go too...just like everyone else did. I was so scared. That's why I couldn't say anything"

"Nothing in the world should ever make you think that ever again, do you understand? I love you. Yes, I love you and I'mnever going to leave you no matter what happens.  Why on earth didn't you tell me any of it when I kept asking!? Now just tell me whatevr happened, please , I beg you, let me help you Team , please"

"My dad is not my real dad."
He sobbed a little.

"My real dad left us when I was just two years old. My mom loved me a lot and took care of me. Then one day, she met this new trustee of the school she taught in and he proposed that they should get married and he would help in raising me because a boy needs a father and a mother both."

"But-but he was a nasty man. He moved in with his son, who was about ten years older than me. When my mom wouldn't be around,  he would- just- do-do things to me and so would my brother. "

He broke into tears as he tried to mouth the words, failing every time
Win felt terrible for misunderstanding him. He had been through so much and no one had been there beside him.

"When my mom found out one day when she had got home early,  my step brother had entered my room and asked me to feel him through his pants. I was so scared I didn'tknow what else to do so I tried to ran away but he just caught me and forced himself on top of me. My mom walked in and somehow saved me that time and told my stepdad about it"

"But he said she was lying and his son could never do such a thing. And he was lying!!! Because he had seen him doing it himself and he would do it too!!! And I couldn't say a word to her as everytime I would try to, he would beat me up everytime my mom wasn't around"

"Soon after this, my mom said we would move out back to our little apartment but my stepbrother would have to accept his fault.  Shortly after that she met with a car accident and I was shattered.  And I might've been a kid back then but I could very well understand that in no way it was an accident"

After speaking for a while, Team fell back on the pillow and Win pulled him closer to his chest.

"Dad sent my brother, San , to study abroad so he could he away from all the suspicions for a while , and ofcourse he got my custody after my mom died  because my grandmother is very old and weak. After that I worked hard and just got into college with a sports scholarship because he wasn't ready to fund my education wholly. You see, everyone just leaves me. No one, ever , just stays long enough. It's better that I just die. No one wants me"

"Team, you don't need to take money from him anymore.  I'll take care of you.  You have nothing to be scared of"

"I wish phi that would be the end of it.  But since my stepdad is sick now,  San is back and he called me to meet him that day,  when you brought dinner and I was home late. "

"Whaaaat!? Yoy met him!? Did he touch yoy??? Did he do anything to you!? Just tell me, that'll be the end of it"

"No. Not that day. But he's been calling up ever since and asking me to come back. His smirks send cold shivers down my spine and when he just Pats my shoulder...he wants me to go back and meet him whenever he needs me unless I do that, he's gonna make sure my fees isn't paid and I get thrown out of college"

Team broke into tears again and Win realised he had spoken enough and did not need to do this anymore.
He pulled him closer and cradled him in his arms, softly cooing  and telling everything would be fine again. As the tears trickled down his cheeks, Win planted soft kisses on his cheeks and forehead and rubbed his back . Team slowly fell asleep, in his arms .

Win would not let his baby have any nightmares. They would solve all of it together.

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