chapter 5: FIRST DATE

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Team's POV

We started walking across the fields, the grass already wet with heavy mist that wettened the ends of my trousers. Win was wearing a pair of baggy sweats and a thin white cotton shirt, through which I could almost make out all his muscles and the blank ink on his beautiful body.
We walked quietly, making small conversations. More like Win making small conversations. I had no idea what he was blabbering about right now. My mind kept wandering back to whatever happened at the pool. I thought first he'd be mad at me for throwing him into the water. Then he just pulled me into it. Ughh does he like me? Or does he hate me!?!? Is he just hitting on me or just trying to mess around?! This is fucking infuriating. I'm not good with people. Pharm knows it. Because of my stupid past, I've been distancing myself from people. I hate it so much when they make me vulnerable, almost out of control. Freaking hate it. Win is having a weird effect on me and I am just not ready to admit it in the least bit. I am not going to let him hurt me. No way. Not again.

I suddenly realise we had stopped walking and he was asking me something. Shia! What were we even speaking about all this while. I really have no clue.

I look at him. He's looking right down at me. He's tall. Damn. And hot. Well duh. And just look at me. I've had these stupid chubby cheeks and straight face literally all my life. Someone like him could never like someone like me. I should've known better . He probably just pities me. Ugh.

I catch on.
"Team, where do you wanna eat?"
"Mm I don't know anything's fine with me" I mumble. He motions at me to get into the passenger seat.
"Did you bring your car, Team?"
"Umm no. My dorm is not pretty far away. I generally jog while return back or hit the gym or something. Usually I'm never this late. So I don't need my car"

"Ah that's okay. I think I'll drop you at your dorm after we're done" he smiled.

Not again.
That damned smile.

I stay quiet and just get into the car.

As we just sit there, Win motions at me to buckle my seat belts but as I try and fidget with them, I realise they're jammed. My hands get clammy realising he's gonna think how stupid I am. Then before I can look up or do something about it, I feel a pair of hands come across over my body, as he leaned over and fixed the belts properly. Then pats me twice on my thighs.

"There you go. Ah it gets kinda fussy and jammed. I really need to get it repaired."

"Yeah" I look at him and nod.

Awkward silence again.

"So, where do you wanna eat?"

"Why're you asking me. " I sulk. "I said anything is fine"

"Um. Just say na. I'm nice to all my juniors. I'm asking you because you're younger than me and it's my treat anyway"

"Mmm...can we go to Ming's? Their grilled pork is delicious. "

"Yeah sure. "

He parks the car in the lot and then we walk in the direction of the hotel. It's all lit up and gorgeous in here. I really like the aura because it's really traditional and has small spacious separated wooden cabins so you don't have to be bothered by other customers.
We order a plate of thai curry, some fried rice and grilled pork chops and then the waiter smiles and goes to get it ready.


I try and look around. Not much place to look because we are sitting in this cabin, which I really like because it's calm and quiet but now there's this awkward tension in the air and I'm in no way, making any effort to break it.

Win finally speaks up.
Thank god.

"So umm, about earlier. Did I make you uncomfortable?"

He had to bring it up.
Fuck my life.
Just why.

"No, P'Win. It's-it's fine. I'm just not used to --"

I thought about opening up to him for a split second and thank god we get interrupted by the waiter.

"Some other time" I give a small smile
He gives an understanding nod and Pat's me on my shoulder from the otehr side of the table because we're sitting pretty close . My legs keep hitting against his long ones and i try to position it back. I'm hell awkward. I hate myself ugh.

"Come on, eat up while it's hot. Is it good? Take some more." He uses his chopsticks to out more on my plate.
I resist.
He keeps on insisting.
Umm He is not that bad.

"I already feel bad about making you work too hard today and putting you through a rough time last week. But you needed it."
He pokes my cheek.

"You're cute. "

Did he just call me cute?

"Did I make you uncomfortable?" He chuckles.

"No it's really fine" I finally laugh out a little. I can feel my cheeks burning at this touch. I just hope it's not too red for him to notice.

"Why don't you laugh more often?"

"I don't like to"

"Why not? You look cute."

Not again. He needs to stop making my hopes go high.

"Well maybe because you don't give me enough reason to"
What did I just day-
I wince at my stupid comment as soon as the words leave my mouth.

He arches his eyebrow.
Classic Win move.
Making girls swoon.

"Jeez. Didn't know you could speak like that."

"Guess what? I can. I'm just not comfortable around people at first"

"Its okay. I don't mind it. You can take all the time you want. I'll be here for you."

I literally stare wide-eyed at him. What is he saying?

"Umm...I mean. I'll be here whenever you need me. I like helping my juniors. Provided they're not getting too much on my nerves"

We both laugh. This feels good. I feel light .
We walk out after finishing our dinner , to the parking lot amd there's this guy , walking towards us, smiling.

"Hey Win! What's up. Who's this?" He smiles at me and greets me. I smile back.

"Oh Tor. Ahh this is Team. A junior from the swimming club. We came for dinner. "

"Mmmm just a junior? " he smirks.

I tense up.
Junior. My ass! I manage to give him a gaint smile .

"Ayy ! Yeah" he chuckles and put his arm around my shoulders and pulls my head , nearly banging it against his own.

"Ouch!" I protest .
They start laughing in unison.

How stupid was I being?

P'Tor walks away and P'win pulls me towards the car. We get in and he starts driving . Before I know, I've drifted off to sleep with the slight motion of the car and a soft humming. No idea who's singing. I'm too tired aa-

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