chapter 4:BABY, DO YOU DARE?

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I was sitting on the staircase leading to the pool as I watched Team walk towards me with an annoyed look on his face. I watched as he walked passed the staircase and just slid into the water. The water looked dark , it was almost evening. Then once in the water, he turned back and looked straight at me, with an annoyed pout and questioning eyebrows. It felt breezy and I was definitely really happy to finally be able to spend some lone time with Team, doesn't matter, if coaching or just having fun.

"10 laps, right now".
Team whined.
"Mm? Just start already. It's pretty late"

I watched as he swam across the farthest end of the pool and returned back , exhausted, his eyes red. I was kind of feeling bad for him already. Was I being too harsh on him?

As he approached and stood near the shallow side, I quickly got rid of my robes and slid into the water.
"Get to the rails " I ordered.
He followed my command like a little puppy.
"Now just follow my arm strokes" I showed him how to properly lift the forelimbs to ease and gain speed while swimming. He looked, like little child, curious, obedient.
Damn he's cute.
As he lay afloat near the railing trying on the strokes, I moved my arms and gently placed them around his waise, supporting his stomach muscles.

"Hia! It tickes" he backed off and his head bobbed into the water, making him pant for breath while he doubled over.

"Whaat" I arched an eyebrow, trying to look indifferent.
"I'm holding for support. Come on, just do it. We're almost done. This'll be helpful for the competition"
Who was I kidding?
He kept quiet. Nodded once. Twice.
I couldn't say if he was okay with it. I wasn't really doing anything to him. Well considering all the stuff I do.
I could feel his muscles tense up under my grip. I couldn't say if it was the exercise or the effect that I had on him. I walked across the pool, lifting his weightless body as he flawlessly rowed his gracious arms through the water.

"That's it for today" I smiled.
Wait, did I just smile at him?
He looked as me, nodded, then got out of the water.
I lifted myself up and just as I was about to climb up, I felt a sudden kick on my chest and SPLASH! I FELL HEADFIRST BACK INTI THE WATER. gulping a wholesome amount of water , panting for breath.
I could hear his roll with laughter . It felt like sunshine on my cheeks. Warm, colourful and so pleasant. Then seeing the disgusted look on my face, he stop smiling and came closer and stuttered, almost scared "P'win...I..I didn't mean to..."
Then before he could say anything, I pulled him my his ankles and he slipped straight back into the water, right in front of me, barricaded by my body from one side and the wall of the pool on the other.
"Is this how you behave with your seniors?" I whispered with a smirk as I pushed my body towards his.
"We-well you were bullying me all week. You made me practise for extra hours. I was just having f-fun"

"You call that fun? Team?" I could hear myself say as I slid my right arm around his slippery waist and pulled him closer, nose to nose, and arched an eyebrow.

He looked visibly tensed up and nervous and squirmed in the little place around our bodies."Phi-Phi just let me go. " he stammered , with fear in his eyes?
Wait I wasn't intending to have this effect on him. This just felt wrong. Yes, I thought I could make a move on hin today and just ask him out for dinner but no way was I gonna do anything to freak him out like this if I actually wanted something serious with him. I quickly push off and manage a nervous laughter "haha I was just fooling around with you"

Team quickly got out and headed to the locker room. I waited for a while and then went in there myself. He was already dressed up. Well duh, that was my intention for waiting up. I quickly grab a towel and change into my sweatpants and pull down a white thin shirt over my head . He wasn't making eye contact with me. Shit. If I mess this up, I'm really gonna feel bad about it and Dean'a gonna murder me for sure for making a move on a junior. Well like he wasn't chasing Pharm. Huh. At a final effort to break the ice, I just speak out in the air"Want to join me for dinner? My treat. "

Team looked at me.
Please say yes. Please say yes. Ugh.

"Okay " he nodded. Even his goddamn nods are so freaking cute. It kills me to just watch him and resist this urge to kiss him or just hold him in my arms.

We walk out of the locker room. Past the field, and the main building, trying to not look at each other, trying to make small conversation.
Damn this better turn out well. If not, I'm gonna fucking hate myself.

Heyyyy guys! I know you guys were waiting for the real cheese to just flow right in. Well I've tried writing this bit and am bubbling with new ideas. Let me know how you like it and what you think us gonna happen next. Till then, goodbyeee..I had a long day and am so sleepy rn.

Here's a little fact: the character of team is kind of based on my own self. I really feel hin and really like this couple. Much less drama. More action. Lol
Happy reading.
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