Chapter 8: IN MY ARMS

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When I reach the dorm, I go up to his room first (ofcourse not because I was dying to check on him) because his floor is below mine.

When I reach the room and knock at it , no one answer. I knock a few more times but no one answers so I guess he's probably asleep or. No. Not dead. Haha. But then what really? He wasn't well in the morning and he couldn't attend his classes so most probably he's not out with Parm and Manao. Also, Dean was suposed to take Parm out today and so I'm gonna strike off that possibility totally. I try to turn the knob and realise it's locked from outside.

I'm confused . Where must he be? Plus he was sick.  I don't wanna seem all cheesy and stuff because that's not me at all but I kinda feel weird because I was having second thoughts on getting him dinner and here I am, now, standing at his doorsteps, and he's not even home probably out with someone else.

It's almost 8 and it's pretty late so I just walk up to my room dejectedly. I keep my bag on the bed and go to freshen up. I take a shower and put on some light pajamas and then take my laptop and go out to sit in the balcony  to get some fresh air and finish my project.

As I sit there, a million thoughts cross my mind. Is he back? Did he eat? Should I ask dean to ask parm for his phone number and then call him? Should I go down and check on him?

It had been a while and I'm tired so I pack my things to head into my room to sleep and then suddenly I look down from my balcony to see Team walking into the dorm lobby. It's almost 10:30 and he's alone. So probably he wasn't with his friends?

I hurriedly head back and keep my things to go down and meet him.
I see him walk up the stairs as I pretend to just casually walk down the stairs (no ofcourse I'm not going to meet him, what did you think?)
We nearly cross paths and I stop and fumble out a faint "hey"

"Oh hey" he says not even looking up from the floor. 

"Where are you coming from? Why are you out? Is the fever down?"

"No P'Win I had some work"he says tiredly.

"Work. Oh. Have you had dinner?"

"No, not yet. It's pretty late. I'll heat some ramen maybe. All shops are already closed"

"Well if you're feeling unwell and you tired to cook, I can get you dinner. I haven't had mine yet. And i have a lot of extra food" I smile.

Yeah sure I have extras.

"Okay"he manages weakly.

When I reach his room with the food, he's just sitting on the bed blankly.
His face is all serious and red and I can't quite tell if he's just sick or if he's been crying.
I'm almost sure he's got tear marks on his face.

"I got some shrimp rice and some chicken stew."
He smiled.
My heart almost melts at the sight.
It's so hard to imagine his face putting up any other expression except smiling or sulking.

"Ahh thank you phi, I wasn't really feeling like having anything super oily or rich in spices today"

That's why I got this. I mentally congratulate myself.  My little baby's happy.  I'm happy.

I nod to his words.

"Eat up before it gets cold"
He takes small bites from his food and we're eating quietly. No one talks much and I can see he's sad about something because I feel like he's trying so hard not to cry.

"I put up proxy for you in the library today.  Haha"

He smiles a little.

Silence again.

"Is everything alright?"
"Yes , why?"
"I don't know.  You seem awfully quiet"

"No it's okay"

"Where were you out today?"

"I told you I had some work"

"Yeah but was it necessary? I mean you were sick-"
He cuts me off mid sentence and hits his bowl on the table with a loud thud.

"I told you I had soem work! Why do you have to know everything!?"

"Hey?? Why are you- I just wanted to make sure you're okay-"

"Yeah why!? You don't need to do anything for me or ask me about my whereabouts.  What are you? My guardian? Why does everyone have to keep telling me what I should be doing!? "

"Hey listen" I somehow still try to manage my calm "I know something's bothering you. I just want to tell you that if you want to talk, I'll be there"

He stands up and walks towards the bed.

I follow him and try to reach his arm
"I'm your senior and it's my duty to make sure my juniors are doing fine"

He swats away my arm and starts shouting again "I'm not a child! Stop treating me like one!!!"

And starts crying again. I have absolutely no idea what's going on but I try to hold his wrists and ask him to sit down and not get all hyped up.
His hands are burning again with fever.

"Mo-move away" he says sobbing , breaking into tiny fits of breathlessness as the whole room fills with his echoing sobs.

"No one " sob "st-stays" he sobs before falling delirious and lurching forward but before he can fall , I catch him quickly.
I pull him to the bed.
His body is literally flaming right now. His face his all red and wet with tears.

I just sit there holding him as he lays unconsciously , on the bed, with his head on my lap.

"I'm sorry" he wakes up after a while and looks at me and  starts sobbing again.
"Why're you still here? I'm sorry for being so mean. I didn't mean to"

He just won't stop crying or even tell me the reason why he's crying .

"Shh. Shh. It's okay.  I know you didn't mean it"
He looks at me once again, before dosing off to sleep.
He looks like an angel.
He looks so helpless. I can't help but want to take him in my arms and comfort him.

When I've made sure, he's all asleep and tucked in, I plant a tiny kiss on his forehead and caress his hair. He's breathing so softly and sometimes breaking into sobs amidst his sleep.
Nightmares maybe.
Wish he could just tell me though.

I can't get up because he's resting on my lap and I'm scared I might wake him up and he's gonna throw another fit.

I hear his murmur in his sleep,"no, please,  don't.  Don't let me go. No. Stop"
Although i have mo idea what he's dreaming about, i hold him closer, and he drowns back into his sleep. I melt at the sight of his weak curled up body. I can't see him this way. It hurts me so much.

So I just stay fixated in that position and before I know, I've dosed off to sleep, with Team in my arms.





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