ch 13: The Devil Returns

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It was already 5 in the evening.

Pharm and Manao went to the swimming club to meet Team after their class was over for the day.
But Team was nowhere to be found. So was Win.
When Manao saw P'Dean approaching them , with a tiny little smile on his face, she pushed Pharm from behind so that he almost collided on Dean's chest but thnak god he caught him .

Pharm gave his boyfriend a cute , shy smile and then gave Manao a glare as if he would kill her for the embarrassment.

"P'Dean, we've come here to look for Team but can't see him anywhere. Have you seen him?"

"Oh-ah um I think they're--i mean he-- yes he's in the changing room"

"Oh okay thank you I'll go and call him. We're going for lunch"

"Woahhhh no no non nono . I mean you can't go there. Only club members are allowed. You both wait,  I'll go call him"

Pharm and Manao cocked their heads with a quizzical look on their face and agreed to wait there anyway.

"Phew that was close"Dean said to himself as he walked towards the changing room because he didn't want Team's friends to know anything about whatever had happened that afternoon.

Win had asked him to keep guard and make sure no one entered.



No one was seen to be around the swimming pool.

A young boy,  about 17 years old, was seen sitting at the poolside,  legs clapsed to his chest, head buried into his knees as he  sat there sobbing in silence.

It was under a sudden impulse of hopelessness,  the memories flooding back  and whatver had happened to him last night and for a few days.

His life was finally going okay.
He was on his own.
In college.
Had good friends.
Probably someone who loved and cared for him too.
Why did he have to come back??
He didn't want to come back to his past.
Yet his past kept crawling back to him and pulling him into the darkness with its metal claws .

He screamed internally.
Because he was too scared to scream loudly because thnw everyone would hear him.

Whatever happened in the next few moments were too impulsive.
Without thinking a second thought, he went and stood on the board and jumped straight into the water, his knees clasped to his chest, water getting into his lungs as his face turned red while he kept forcing himself to stay inside the water until his head started throbbing like it was being hit with a hammer or iron rod. He felt a burning sensation in his nose and throat as the chlorinated water kept flowing into his nostrils and lungs and mouth like a thousand hot iron rods piercing his body.

A flash of skin, golden hair, and honey eyes.


More bubbles.

Gasping for breath.

Hands beating.



Splashes of water!

The older boy pulled the little one out of the water. He had almost gone home but then something struck and he thought he should probably go check the club a last time before leaving.

When he came, he was horrified to see a dark haired boy in the water, with his clothes on, almost not breathing.

When Win pulled his limp body out of the water, he wasn't breathing.
Win brought his lips to the cold , white lips of the younger and as he did the CPR , frantically  pushing into his chest and abdomen while Team lurched upwards, vomiting water, and more water.
He slapped his face a few times and he was finally grasping for breath, and wheezing.

Before he could say or explain anything,  Win pulled him to his chest and started sobbing.
"Are you crazy!? What do you think you were doing!?"


Team breathed soft warm breaths onto his hia's wet shirt, while he was still soaking and shivering and panting.

Win picked his little body up in his arms and carried him to the changing room. Then the first thing he knew, he called up Dean because he couldn't handle all this alone .
He made Team lie down on the bench and unbuttoned his shirt and pants ad he only lay in his boxers. Then he wrapped him up in some big towels and pulled his shivering body to his, as he just lasy there limp and unconscious.

"What happened!? " Dean asked as he came in rushing,  to find Win sitting there inside with Team in his arms, naked, except a towel.
"What the hell!? Did you two just----?"

"What!? Nooo what are your even thinking. Anyway right now, I need some clothes for him. I think you'll find some in the school office for new students.  Just go and get me one. I couldn't leave him alone. I'llecolain everything to you later. "




Team opened his eyes slowly to find the two older boys sitting there , talking in hushed voices as he was still lying on the bench at a distance. He couldn't hear or remember anything but he felt weak.
When suddenly

The water

The bubbles

All started coming back to him as he recalled the happenings.




As he slowly got up, Win and Dean noticed him and walked up to him.

"Are you feeling better?"Dean walked over to him and asked while Win just stood in the corner with a straight face.

"Y-yes phi"

"Do you have anything more to say?"Win said coldly, with a stern voice.
It felt like an isickle through his heart.
His hia never spoke to him in this tone ever before.

Team, tried to get up and explain. 
"I-I'm sorry phi"he sobbed through broken breaths.

"Please hear me out once"he begged

"What more could you have to say?! I texted so many times for the last two days. You couldn't reply. You weren't even at your dorm yesterday and today all of sudden! Out of the blue! I always listen to you but you!? Have you ever thought what would happen to me if something had happened to you"

"Phi-pl-please I'm sorry.  I really love you. Don't do this to me please.  I can really explain"

Win stormed out And Dean just stood there perplexed about what had just happened.
Team was now sobbing again and in an attempt to console him , Dean, highly unlikely of himself,  wrapped his arms around Team in a brotherly gesture as Team  continued crying.

"You said you him right?"
Tram slowly nodded.
He did.
He was just too scared to admit it.

"So you guys have been dating,?"
"How long?"
A month already.

"What  why didn't you guys tell anyone"

"It's my fault. All my fault. "

"It's okay nong. Win is my best friend. I'll talk to him. You guys will sort it out. I'll all him wait.  He's just mad at you right now"

Team sobbed and nodded as Dean patted his head and rubbed his back.
He's such a good brother.
Unlike his own demon one.

He really hoped win would forgive him.
He was ready to do anything for him.

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