chapter 12:Fudgesickles

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"I guess this is how dating stuff works but I don't wanna seem like some lame clingy overpossesive boyfriend in front of your friends and well mine too!" Team protested as Win dragged him to his car by the back of his neck to get breakfast.

"See. Don't be a baby. We are dating right? It's been like a week already. When are we gonna tell them"

"They probably guess it already"Team sulked,  sitting in the passenger seat ad hia put him inside and tucked in his seat belts like he was a little baby.

"Yeah so? It needs to be official"

Win steered the wheel ad they drove past the avenue. It was in the Team's list of favourite places and Win made sure he could make his baby happy every single day

"What do you wanna do? Go around announcing it!? And then what about the swimming club!? You treat me like shit there. Is that how you treat your boyfriend??" Team looked at Win and shook his head violently.

Win said, placing a hand over the younger's thighs and giving it a light squeeze.

"Don't babe me. Huh"

"I never treat you like shit. Please don't say that. When you're in the club, you're just another of my juniors that I have to coach. You know that, right?"

"Yeah sure suit yourself"

"Wait-now you're angry at me!?"

Win parked the car at the back of the uni so they could have a minutes to themselves while walking back to class everyday.
Also, no one would know that Win drives Team because Team wasn't ready to tell everyone else yet.

Team brooded and quickly tried to get out of the seat but before he could  , Win got down and ran over to his side of the door and opened it and leaning down to face him, pinned him to his seat.

"Hia!"Team tried to punch him back but he held his hands right him position and smiled his golden smile at his baby.


"Let me go! Someone might see us!"

"Well. Not until you tell me you're not mad at me anymore"

"I am!"

"But for whaaat!?"win chuckled.

"I don't know! I'm angry.  That's it."

Win looked him intently in the eye and Team could not help but stare back into his honey coloured eyes .

When win was sure, his baby was engrossed enough into the charms , he snaked his arms around his sides and started tickling him all of a sudden.
Team lost control at the sudden attack and doubled over in laughter,  falling over his arms and back to his seat.

"Aaah! haaaaaH! Move ! Hahaha mo-moeeee let me go hia!"he giggled and groaned through fits of laugter.

Win pulled back and now brought his face down to his . One hand over neck, he pulled him into a little affectionate kiss.
Team followed the older's directions and they moved their lips in unison, at Win continued holding him in his seat, his long gorgeous fingers grabbing his neck while the other hand of his things, drawing tiny circles with his thumb on the tender skin his under those pants.

When Win pulled out from the kiss, Team moved his head forward again, looking hin imploringly in the eyes,  still breathing lightly over his hia's face , as hia gave him a small peck on his lips, followed by one on his forehead and swiped the hair away from his face.

Win always thought Team looked adorable when he would look at him like that.
It was simply irresistible.

Staring at him with those puppy eyes, breathing lightly from the effect he had on him, lips parted in want for more and and... he just sometimes wished he could carry his tiny body in his arms and put him down on the bed and just have him for himself. He would give his baby all the love he could. Make him feel beautiful,  wanted and so loved. But Team wasn't yet sure of the whole situation,  so he just wanted to give him all the time he needed.

"You think you can solve everything with a kiss!?"
"Haha, yes I kind of do, at this point"


"Hey! I was just joking! Come out"he pulled him out by his shoulders and gave his shoulders a little shake from behind.

"My baby's high maintenance"

"Shut up"he rolled his eyes.

"I want you to keep your things in class and come for practice in 10 minutes"

"What noooo! I need to meet Manao and Pharm and I'm also hungry. "He said, bringing his hands to his stomach and pouting.

"Stoo trying to be cute . Just do as told"

"Aaaa noooo- you can't do this to me everyday.  I really hate you"

"No you dont" he chuckled as he slid his arm around the younger's waist and gave him a light squeeze , as they walked out of the parking lot.

"Then I'll have to tell Dean to get you"

"Why are you this mean to me all the time! "

"Why are you this scared of Dean all the time"he laughed.

"I'm not SCARED!"
"I just feel like he hates me"

"He doesn't"

"I wonder how he's cheesy with Pharm. It's so funny to even think about it and Pharm keeps telling me how he's so cute and whenever they're kissing he's so-"

"Woah woah wait! I don't need the details really"

Incoming eyeroll.

"Well the same applies for you. Well the opposite actually.  When you're with you're friends you're this sweet little muffin and whenever you're with me you're either punching me or being mad at me. People need to see this evil side of you"

"Get lost"

The two guys walked out of the park bickering like an old married couple .

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