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Win held the younger boy, close to his body, as they both lay on the bed, Team, cold from the rain and his face hot and burning with fever, as he drew heavy jagged breaths, lying on Win's bare chest. He shivered uncontrollably and his voice was choked with sobs tahole echoed in their empty room.

His soft body was curled into a little ball as Win could still feel his breath on his skin, with tear drops unconsciously just flowing down his cheeks.

"Please don't leave me and go"he shuddered "I'm s-sorry"

"No babe,  I'm sorry.  I won't ever leave you. I'm so sorry. You're safe.  Just shh. I'm here"

Team couldn't stop crying as the events incessantly rushed through his mind.
Win caressed his back over and over again, his head while holding him closer to his chest, uttering little phrases into his ears.
"You're safe."
" No one's gonna harm you"
"I'm right here"

He reassured him over and ove again,  until Team fell asleep in his arms, tired and exhausted.


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Win's POV

It's been two days since Team has vanished .
Dean and I chased behind him as soon as we threw San into the pool amd called up the police.
We looked all of the college campus, his dorm, checked with Pharm, Manaow amd the rest of his friends but he's nowhere to be found. His phone is switched off since then .

He had of course checked his dorm. What surprised him was that his room was in a mess and his door was left ajar when he went to look for him. Had Team visited back to the dorm? He wasn't careless enough to leave a door open ofcourse like that. His room was also in a mess, which wasn't ve ry uncommon but then it looked kind of suspicious.

And I have absolutely no clue where to look for him.

It's night already and kinda nippy when a chilly wind blowing. I can't not care any less about where by boy must be hiding, probably shivering in the cold, crying himself to sleep. Has he eaten? Has he sleft, but above all, is he okay? Safe and untouched?

A phone call interrupts my thoughts and I pick it up to see that it's my dad.

"Hello son, I think we've got some news about the whereabouts of your boyfriend."

"What!? Really?? Send me the details fast"

"His phone was last tracked at this Pillai Confectioneries area. We think there's Godown and a basement. "

"Alright I'll head out just now"

2 days ago

Team ran from the building as fast as he could. He had somehow managed to escape form his step brother but it wouldn't be long before his step dad or one of his people came looking for him. He hurried past the gate  shirt buttons half done . Getting into his car, he drove back to his dormitory as soon as he could, his hands shaking on the steering wheel every moment.  He kept looking back and forth, checking for danger, for people, for Win. He wished he had told Win instead of running away like that again. Maybe he could actually help him out.  But he wasn't thinking rationally.

He reached his dorm and hurried on the elevator.  When he reached in front of his room, he opened the door with trembling fingers. As soon as he got in,  he tried to get his phone to call up Win but hands faltered and trembled.

Ding dong.

The doorbell rang.
It must be him. Team thought.
He opened the door expecting Win on the otehr side but was taken aback when he saw two strong muscular men standing in the doorway.


"Who-who are you"he quickly retrieved back and tried to close back the door but the two men pushed inside and caught him. He squirmed under their grip,  begging then to let go as tears poured down his face. They quickly tied his hands as Team kept trying to punch and kick them wherever he could but everyone knew that these men was too big to deal with. They looked like hired goons.

They quickly gagged his mouth and put him oh their shoulder as Team kept trying to shout and kick for help but to now avail.

Only if he had not fled to wall into another one.
Only if Win were here.

But before he knew anything anymore, he felt a string scented cloth wrapped aorind his nose and he felt dizzy and fell unconscious on his back.

HOLD ME CLOSER-Win×Team fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now