Chapter 9

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It's around noon on Friday and as I'm eating something for lunch I hear multiple vehicles blare their horns outside which I know is going to make the other people in the complex mad so immediately run out to see the truck as well as two other luxury cars which I recognize parked on either side of it with my idiotic bandmates coming out of all three vehicles.

"You guys are going to make the other people living here file a complaint! What is wrong with you!?" I exclaim as I run towards them.

"Oh chill out. We're not bothering anyone and why does it matter to you if you're not going to be living here anymore?" Michael asks with his annoying scowl while leaning against the black BMW he had just gotten out of.

"It matters because my sister still is living here and she shouldn't have to handle that! Also, how can you guys even afford these cars?" I ask as I glare at the idiot.

"We're all from pretty wealthy families," Will says with a smirk.

I roll my eyes, "Whatever. Now c' mon. I'm not going to move all the boxes myself."

They all follow me inside and I apologize to the other people that live here who are outside looking for the noise.

When we walk in Jacob runs from behind me into the kitchen.

"Where the hell is he going?" I ask as I start to follow him.

Will laughs, "Are there any cookies here?"

I think about it and nod, "Yeah, Julia has been trying out some new recipes."

They all laugh a little and Will shakes his head, "Jacob has this sort of superpower where if there are cookies within a hundred feet from him, he can find them."

I smile a little and shake my head, "Alright then. While I get his dumb self do you idiots want anything before we get started?"

They all shake their heads and I head into the kitchen to see Jacob just standing there with at least five cookies in each hand.

"Why do you have so many?! I mean I can understand loving cookies but that's a lot!" I exclaim as I walk towards him with my eyebrows raised.

"Sorry, they're just really good," he says as he puts the cookies in his hands on a nearby plate and starts walking out of the kitchen.

"Where are you going?"

"Your room duh, we're packing aren't we?" he says with a smirk.

I shake my head and I eventually get all the boys moving boxes into the truck, even Mr. Hair Gel.

By the time Julz gets home after closing the cafe, the boys and I are closing up the truck.

"Well it looks like I wasn't needed," she says as she climbs out of her car.

I smile, "Nope, these guys are actually pretty helpful."

"Uh, who's she?" I hear someone whisper behind me.

"Sia's sister," someone whispers back.

I roll my eyes and stand next to my sister, "Julz, meet the idiots. From left to right you have, Noah Barnes who plays drums and who I, unfortunately, don't have a special nickname for. We then have Michael Allen who plays bass and I also like to call Mr. Har Gel. There's Jacob Clarke who plays guitar and who we both like to call Blondie. And lastly, there is William Mendoza who plays keyboard and who I like to call Will."

They all get kinda annoyed when I say their nicknames but they get over it quickly and Julz just smiles.

"Well, it's nice to meet you. But be warned, if any of you hurt my sister, I will come after you. The only reason Hair Gel is alive is that your lead over here kept me from doing so. Understand?"

All of their eyes and they all quickly nod, "Yes ma' am."

She looks all of them in the eyes and then smiles, "Alright then, how about I make you guys something to eat?"

They all reluctantly agree and we all head inside and she quickly makes something to eat and once everyone's done they all head back to the band house, taking the truck with them.


It's the next morning around eight and I am just waking up.

I get out of bed and change into the army green tank top and bleached, ripped up shorts that I hadn't packed and I put away everything left in my room that I hadn't packed in my backpack.

Once I was completely ready and had everything including my phone and bag, I headed into the kitchen to see Julz sitting at the counter eating.

"Hey," I say before grabbing an apple from the bowl in the center of the counter.

"Hey. You ready?"

I nod and smile, "I think so."

She smiles and gets up before giving me a huge hug, "I'm going to miss you. But good luck, and show those boys whos in charge. Alright?"

I smile and we come out of the hug, "Of course. I'm gonna miss you too."

She smiles and nods her head towards the door, "Go get 'em."

I smile and give her one last hug before heading out the door and driving to my new life.

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