Chapter 43

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I smile and take it from him, "Thank you."

He nods and walks off but the boys all look at me curiously.

"What's that?" Noah asks.

I roll my eyes, " I don't know, I haven't opened it."

"Well, who's it from?" Will adds.

I look over the small box and see no name, "No clue."

Noah starts saying I should open it and after he says it the seventh time I snap.

"Alright! I'll open it! God Noah just stop repeating yourself!" I exclaim as I head towards the snack table.

Noah just smirks, "Works every time."

I roll my eyes and once I have a little more in my stomach, I open the box with the boys all surrounding me.

Sitting there in it is a small, round, silver necklace with a treble clef engraved in it.

I take it out of the box and show it to the boys, "This is all that's in there."

"Let me see-"

As Michael goes to grab it I pull it back and put it back in the box, "No way. Jewelry is fragile. Plus I don't want your nasty guy germs all on it."

He scowls at me and I just smirk before putting the small box in my main box of gifts.

We don't end up heading back up to the penthouse until around one in the morning.

And once we do, I don't even bother with the gifts. All I do is say goodnight and carry my box into my room.

But before I go to sleep I look back at the necklace.

I look at it closer and notice a hinge on one of the sides. I thought it was kind of thick when I first looked at it but apparently it's a locket.

I think about not opening it since I first assumed that it would be empty, but my curiosity got the best of me.

It took a little while, but once I got it open, a small piece of paper fell to the floor.

I picked it up and unfolded it and only two words were written there.

From, Jacob

My eyes went wide and I must've read those two words dozens of times before truly realizing that Jacob had bought the locket for me.

I didn't even think. I just ran out of my room and started knocking on his door as hard as possible.

Luckly, it didn't take very long for him to open up.

"Jacob what is this? I mean I get it's a locket and all but why did you give it to me in such a secretive way? Couldn't you have just given it to me his morning? What was the po-"

"I love you."

Well that's not what I thought he was gonna say.

"Wait wh-what?" I ask, almost dropping the locket.

He kind of scoffs but in that way where he's also laughing but not and he has a smile and- It's hard to explain!

"I love you. I've been in love with you ever since I first saw you in the cafe. When I found you singing and it was the greatest thing I had ever heard. When we were holding auditions I was praying and begging any God that's out there hoping you would audition because I wanted to spend as much time with you as possible. You're an amazing person, Luna. You're kind, smart, talented, beautiful, and I honestly can't think of anything wrong with you. I love you and everything about you."

I kind of just stand there frozen for a second but then I decide to just let instincts take over and I kiss him.

I pull him close and kiss him with as much passion as he had under the mistletoe.

And as we pulled apart I put my forehead to his and just kind of whispered, "I love you too."

He pulls back a little and looks right into my eyes, something he's never failed to do, "Please tell me you're being serious..."

I nod a little, "I am. I love you too."

Once it fully comprehends what I just said a huge smile forms on his face and he picks me up and spins me around before kissing me again but I can tell he's practically shaking because he's so happy.

As we come apart we kind of just stand there smiling at each other when a thought comes into my mind.

"Wait a minute, so you were in love with me when you were still dating Maddie?" I asked as I felt my eyebrows scrunch together.

"I didn't really think I did then. I mean I did have feelings for her. But by the time we broke up, nothing was really there anymore. Sure it hurt but not as much as it should've. It also just took me a while to realize it. It honestly took you almost dying for me to fully realize it."

I kind of just smirk a little, "So is this all why you have been carrying my bags?"

He laughs a little, "Yeah. I also put a blanket on you a couple nights ago."

My eyes go wide and he quickly realizes he probably shouldn't have said that.

"YOU WERE HERE?!" I yell.

"Shhh! Sia we don't want to wake up the others!" he says.

"I don't care! How long were you here?!"

He sighs, "I got here around four in the morning and I saw you lying on the couch. You looked like you were freezing so I just got a couple blankets from my room and put them over you. After that I left."

I pull him into a hug, "You really scared me, you know that right?"

He exhales and tightens his grip just slightly, "I know, I'm sorry."

We end up talking for a little while longer, but we do eventually get too tired to keep on talking, and once he has noticed how tired I really am, he gives me a quick kiss, says goodnight, and sends me to my room.

And I fall asleep with the biggest smile on my face.

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