Chapter 31

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We do what the voice says and when we get on stage we see all of our equipment set up already.

"Alright guys we just need to do a sound check real fast," Kimber says as she hands me a microphone.

"Anything in specific?" Michael asks.

"Just do the first verse and chorus of a song, I don't care which one."

I look at them and tell them to just do Black Magic since we have done it a lot and it's pretty easy.

Once we're done some of the crew members clap and after a little while Kimber sends us out.


A few hours later I'm snacking in the green room when someone walks in.

"What's up, Kimber?" I ask as I put down the food.

"We've got a little less than two hours until people start arriving so you need to start getting ready," she replies.

I stand up and wipe the few crumbs off my shirt, "Alright, uhm where should I go to do that?"

She smirks, "Follow me."

We walk out of the room and down a few hallways and eventually we enter a room filled with racks of clothing and a ton of other things.

"Welcome to wardrobe, Luna. Your stylist will be here any second."

"My stylist?"

"Well you didn't think you were gonna do all the work did you?" a voice says from behind me.

I turn around and see a woman who seems to be around Kimber's age and she looks amazing. She has pretty fair skin, beautiful long dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes.

"Not at all, I just didn't think I was gonna have a personal stylist," I reply.

"Well, you're the only one who does. The boys all share Harry as their stylist. But you get Eva all to yourself," Kimber replies.

I smile, "Well thank you. If I didn't have you I would most likely look ridiculous out there."

Eva nods and soon after that Kimber has left and Eva's looking through clothing racks.

"Let's try...this, this, and...this!" Eva says before excitedly handing me the pieces of clothing and sending me to change.

She gave me a tight-fitting cropped silver tank top, a flowy black skirt, and a black leather jacket and I think it looks great.

Once I walk back out she looks me over with a smile.

"Not bad, but let's see what some accessories will do for you."

She hands me a short silver chain necklace, a short black chain necklace, and a long silver chain necklace with a star charm.

I put them on and she also gives me a set of matching star earrings to put on.

She looks over me for a little longer and then nods with a smile, "This will be perfect. Now, time for hair and makeup."

She has me sit down at one of the lit-up vanities and she starts to make me look even better.

It takes a little less than an hour to do everything but it's worth it because it looks great.

"Thank you so much," I say with a smile as I stand up.

"No problem, here are the shoes you'll be wearing," she replies.

She hands me a pair of short black heeled boots and I put them on with a smile before thanking her again.

"You look great, but you need to go."

I nod and run out of the room and towards the stage.

Once I get to the backstage area a couple people rush over to me and start hooking up my ear monitors and other things I'll need on stage.

Once they're done, I head over to Kimber who is talking to the boys.

"Great, you're here I won't have to say this twice. Now in about fifteen minutes your opening act will go onstage and sing three to five songs. Once they're done, the lights will go out so you can run on stage and get ready. Once Luna signals you guys are good to go, someone will announce you guys and the lights will turn back on and you guys will start. Everyone understand?"

"What should I do for the signal?" I ask.

"Just nod and do a thumbs up to me."

I say okay and then head to a back wall and start doing some vocal warm-ups.

We're gonna do twelve songs and we're gonna end with Bad Romance.

So I really need to get ready.

I find Lydia and Stephanie and talk to them for a little bit before I start to hear an announcement.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls let's give a big welcome for Cole Richards!"

I hear the crowd cheer but I stand there frozen.

There's no way I heard that name correctly.

No one would be dumb enough to have him be our opening act.

I run to where I left the boys and they are standing there, fuming.

And when I look onto the stage I realize I didn't hear the name wrong.

It's really is Cole Richards.

Our opening act for the tour is none other than the ex-lead singer of The Howling Wolves.

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