Chapter 47

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There are various reactions in the crowd once again and Gloria's jaw is slightly dropped.

"Wait a minute, so you and Jacob are dating?"

I nod, "Yep, he asked me to be his girlfriend the day after Christmas."

"This to me seems to be a love story that has to be shared," Gloria says with a smile as she theatrically makes her self comfortable in her seat.

Before I can say anything Jacob beats me to it, "Sorry, Gloria. I think that's a story for another day."

There are urges to tell the story but we don't break.

And once Gloria realizes there's no way we're gonna talk, she just smiles at us and makes some sort of signal with her hands.

"Alright then. Well, I think that is the perfect cliffhanger for us to end with. I'm so thankful to have had you on the show and I think it was a great one."

Eventually, a commercial break is announced and we are all able to leave the stage.

We all head back to wardrobe to get back into our other clothes.

Once I'm done, I head out and head to the backstage area since that's where I guessed people would be.

And I was right.

But when I got there I saw two interesting interactions.

Noah was with Stephanie, and Michael was with Lydia.

And if I'm gonna be honest, the first thing I thought was that they would be great couples.

Throughout the entire time I have known Noah, he has been a very kind and hilarious guy. But he's also honest and Stephanie is the same way.

And throughout the time I've known Michael, he sort of seems like what I guess you could call a badass but once you really get to know him he has a softer side that likes to just mess around with the other guys. And Lydia is also the same way, she's a major badass but she also has a softer side that helped form the strong friendship between her and Stephanie.

Anyways, I could tell Noah was kind of nervous but I decided to leave them all be.

I couldn't control them, and even though I wanted to make it so they dated, I couldn't.

And I guess I'm just gonna have to deal with that.


It's a couple of weeks later and Kimber told us to start working on some new songs since she has a feeling Maxwell might want us to come up with a new album soon.

So we do just that.

Between meals, we just sit in random areas of the house and work on songs.

One day we might be in the living room the whole time working on lyrics and coming up with rhythms and things like that. Another we might be in the studio trying to perfect every song.

And then there are the fun days.

The one's with meet and greets or gigs.

No matter what it is, it's amazing.

Also, some days Stephanie and Lydia are over and I help them come up with some lyrics or rhythms and melodies.

This also helps me try to get my favorite dream couples together.

But it of course doesn't work.

All I see are friends, which is disappointing but I can't get my hopes up.

It's not like these are characters in a book, these are real people which means I have to think of them that way.

But honestly, they would be amazing together.

I think it's Monday when I get a phone call from Kimber saying Maxwell wants a twelve-song album by Saturday.

And honestly, we're pretty close.

We have ten songs, so we have almost a week to make two songs.

Seems easy enough.

And it was.

On Saturday we had a twelve-song album ready to perform for Maxwell.

And we did.

When we got to Lacewood Records we headed into the studio we are usually in and once everything was ready, I was singing.

"And we don't let nobody bring us down

No matter what you say it won't hurt me

Don't matter if I fall from the sky

These wings are made to fly"

The boys finish the last few notes and once they're done, Maxwell and his little crew applause.

That was our last song so we put everything away and head into the control portion of the studio.

"Well, what did you think?" Kimber asks as we walk up to her side.

Maxwell is silent for a moment and he seems to be just be thinking but then a small smile creeps upon his face, "I think you should get ready for an album release party."

The boys and I break out into cheers and Kimber talks to him about the details about the release I pretty much immediatly call Julz.

"What's up, Luna?" she asks pretty much right as she answers.

"We're putting out a second album!"

"Really?! Oh my god, congrats! I'm so proud of you!" she exclaims.

I laugh a little, "You have no idea how happy I am to hear that."

"You better invite me to the launch party!"

"Of course, now you should probably congratulate your boyfriend also."

She laughs, "I will. I'll talk to you later. You're amazing!"

I say my goodbyes and right as I put my phone in my pocket, someone spins me around and picks me up.

Jacob spins me around and as he puts me down he gives me a huge kiss.

"I can't believe we're having another album come out!" he exclaims with one of the biggest smiles I've ever seen him have.

I laugh, "I think you're more excited about our second than our first."

He laughs, "It was exciting to have our first one released, but if we have a second one that means we're good enough to not be one-hit wonders. This is major!"

I just smile and nod, "I completely agree."

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