Chapter 41

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I'm the stupidest person on this planet.

I'm an idiot.

I just walked off!

What is wrong with me?!

Alright, enough with me beating myself down.

I was up all night just sitting in the living room, waiting for Jacob to walk in the door.

But he never did.

I didn't dare answer any of the boys' questions. I couldn't tell them Jacob and I kissed.

At some point, I did fall asleep out on the couch and I woke up with a couple blankets laying on me.

I move them to the side and I just get up and look around for a second.

The other boys' doors are all cracked open.

They're usually closed.

So I went to investigate.

I just looked in but in all three rooms they all looked like hot messes as if they were up all night.

Because I don't want to confront them just yet, I decide to just make myself look decent.

I wiped off all the makeup I had on from last night and just changed into a casual outfit that I had in my suitcase.

I stay in my room for a little while but eventually I get hungry so I head out.

Which ends up with me on the floor.

"Ugh what is wrong with you guys?" I say as I get up from the floor.

Michael, Noah, and Will were all basically hovering over me just staring.

"What's wrong with you?" Michael kind of snaps back.

I roll my eyes, "Nothing. Which of you guys brought the blankets out?"

They all look at me slightly confused.

"None of us brought any blankets out...Sure, we checked on you every now and then throughout the night but we didn't bring anything out..." Noah answers.

I look at them confused but then just shrug, "I guess I must've brought them out before I fell asleep and just forgotten."

They look at me funny for a little while longer but then I just walk past them so I can go get some food.

We didn't really do anything all day. Julz came over a little before noon so I spent time with her but all day I couldn't stop thinking about Jacob.

I had no idea where he was. Was he okay? Was he even in the city?

I royally screwed up.

And I didn't see him all day.

I don't think anyone did.

At the end of dinner, Kimber made an announcement saying that tomorrow we would all be meeting in the event room for a christmas celebration thing where I assume we're just gonna have fun and pass around gifts.

As I was heading back up to the penthouse, I was walking with Julz since she left her bag and as I walked in Noah grabbed my wrist and made me sit down on the couch.

"What the hell was that for?" I ask before I go to get up.

Which Noah stops me from doing.

"Tell us what is going on with you! We know something is wrong!" he exclaimed as Will and Michael went to stand at either of his sides.

"Nothing is wrong with me!" I lied, "Is something wrong with you?!"

"Stop lying," Michael growled.

I glared at him and stood up, "Fine you wanna know what's so wrong with me? I'm worried about Jacob! In case you haven't noticed, he never came back last night! And it's all because of me!"

Before Noah or Michael can say anything else Will does, "What do you mean?"

Finally someone who isn't yelling at me. These idiots should know if they yell at me they'll only get worse yelling from me.

"Jacob and I kissed."


I roll my eyes and once they calm down a little bit I explain what happened last night after Julia sent me to get the towel.

And they're speechless.

"Wait a minute, so did Jacob kiss you or did you kiss Jacob?"

"Uhhh both?"

They all start talking over each other which is probably one of the things that makes me most annoyed.

"One at a time!" Julz yells.

They go silent.

I laugh a little, "Thank you. Now, I know this is all insane and I'm sorry I didn't tell you bout this last night but we should probably talk about the most important thing."

"Which is...?"

I roll my eyes, "Are you dumb? That Jacob has been gone for I think twenty-four hours. Aren't you at least the slightest bit concerned?"

They all look at each other and then back at me.

"Nope, not really," Noah replies.

I look at them confused, "Why not?!"

"Because we've known him longer than you have and we know he can take care of himself." Michael answers.

"He'll be back, Luna. I promise," Will adds.

I groan and head to my room, just saying I'm tired.


It's the next morning and I have been woken up by some excitement.

I get out of bed and walk out and I see the boys surrounded by torn up and empty wrapping.

I completely forgot today was Christmas.

"Oh god sorry, Luna. We were a little too loud..." Noah said right as his eyes spotted me for the first time.

I shake my head, "No. No, it's alright. I expected this. Merry Christmas you three."

They all smile and say it back and I just smile.

"I'm gonna go change and get your gifts," I say before turning on my heel and heading back into my room.

I quickly change into a sweater and some jeans and I brush my hair. But before I can walk out of my room with their presents, I hear them start to yell.

So instinctively I run out as quickly as possible.

And there I see Jacob standing there looking like a hot mess.

"What happened to you..." I ask as I drop the gifts on the floor.

"It's a long story..." Jacob replies.

I can tell he's trying not to look my way, but it seems to me that he just can't.

I decide not to push it though, I just smile and pick up the gifts from the floor.

"Well, I think these belong to you three."

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