Chapter 15

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"I wish I could've seen that!" Julz says through the phone.

I had just finished telling her about everything that happened tonight and she's pretty proud of me.

"It was pretty amazing," I say with a slight smile.

"So you're really Hair Gel's girlfriend?"

I sigh and just roll my eyes at myself, "Yeah, I am. Don't ask why because I honestly have no clue."

She doesn't really say anything in response so after a while of talking about a different topic, we say goodbye and I hang up.

And less than an hour later I'm asleep.


A few days later, Jacob and I are sitting in the living room trying to think of new song lyrics.

"Wait how about 'I want your ugly I want your disease'?" I suggest.

He thinks about it and then smiles, "Alright, and then it could be something like 'I want your everything as long as it's free'?"

I smirk and write down the lyrics as we continue to add more and more onto it.

"For the chorus, it could be 'I want your love and I want your revenge'."

We add more and then when once we're done with the main lyrics, we add notes on if we want any specifics done when we try to record it and we even add some spots to do riffs.

As we are looking it over for what seems to be the hundredth time, the other three come walking in. Will and Noah fight for a specific chair which ends with Noah standing and Michael sits down next to me and puts his arm around me.

"What'cha got there?" Will asks.

"A new song, Jacob and I just finished writing it, I also have some ideas for the instrumentals if you guys don't mind me helping out on those?" I ask as I look over at Will and Noah.

"No problem, Luna. You have pretty great ideas. Also, do you want to go start with the drums? Or should we do that later?" Noah asks.

I smile and stand up, "Now would be great."

"Oh c'mon! Right, when I get here you leave, how is that any fair?" Michael whines.

I roll my eyes, "Oh calm down, we'll spend time together when you help me practice the new song."

"Hold up, when I what?!"

I just laugh and little and blow him a kiss before heading out with Noah leaving the other two laughing.

Once we get into the studio, Noah grabs a couple of pairs of drumsticks and hands me one of them.

I look at them and realize they don't look like any other pair I've seen before.

"Where'd you get these?" I ask.

"Oh I got them online, but I like to customize every pair I have. It gives me something to do," he replies as he sits down at the drum set.

I just smile and soon enough he's teaching me how to play.

After another three hours, I'm actually sounding pretty good, even if I'm just doing transitions and stuff like that.

"How about we stop here?" he suggests.

I nod and hand him the pair of drumsticks I was using and he just smirks. He walks over to the huge drawer cabinet and he pulls out another plain pair of drumsticks from the top drawer.

"How about you customize your own pair?"

A huge smile forms on my face and I take them thankfully before leaving the studio with Noah right behind me.

As we are heading back towards the living room, I start to be able to hear arguing coming from the living room. So with a quick look over at Noah who seems to be just as confused as I am, we head to the room a little quicker than we were.

But when we walk in all I see is the other three boys yelling at Adam for god knows why.

When they don't notice us, I roll my eyes and take a deep breath, "GUYS STOP ARGUING WITH ADAM!"

This causes them to shut up.

I smile, "Thank you. Now, why are you yelling at our sweet little booking agent?"

"'Cause he got us a stupid gig," Michael replies.

"Oh please, you think everything is stupid. Plus his job is to get us gigs. You should be thanking him."

Adam just smirks, "Thank you, Luna. Now, how about we all just-"

"Woah, Woah, Woah, before you say anything else I want to know what the gig is," I say, cutting him off.

"A spring formal at a local high school," Jacob replies as he falls onto the closest couch.

Noah laughs and I just roll my eyes, "You guys are getting mad about a gig at a high school? At least it's not at a nursing home or something like that. What's the big deal?"

"The big deal is that this is the first gig Maddie will ever be coming to, and it's at a HIGH SCHOOL!"

I hold in my laugh, "So that's what this is about, you don't want your girlfriend to see you performing in such an unprofessional place. Well, tough. It's where the gig is at so suck it up. Thank you, Adam, for getting the gig. I'm gonna go head up to my room."

And with that, I turn on my heel and leave the idiots with each other.


Throughout the next couple of weeks, we all work on our newest song which Jacob and I titled "Bad Romance" and it is going well.

Except for one thing.

Multiple times throughout the song there is a strong riff used basically twice in a row. And every time we have worked on it so far, I have either fell flat or just didn't sing it at all because it's probably one of the hardest notes that I have had to use in my chest voice.

Today is a week until the gig and Michael and I have been working on the song more than ever.

I had just tried the riff again and when I thought I was going to hit it, my voice cracked and Michael just stopped playing.

"Are you ever going to get this right?!"

"Excuse me?!"

"You've tried this part over a thousand times and you still haven't gotten it," he says with a scowl.

I growl and glare at him, "Would you shut up?! You're not the one singing so there is no reason for anything to be coming out of your mouth. Also, you should be supportive! I am your girlfriend after all!"

He scoffs, "Yeah a pretty lousy one. You treat me just like the others."

I laugh in disbelief and just walk out. I didn't say anything, I just dropped the mic and walked out.

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