Chapter 37

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As I'm getting checked out by a nurse in a random room, my idiots and Kimber come running in.

They all start talking all at once and I just roll my eyes.

"Guys, one at a time. Remember we're in a hospital."

"Sorry, Luna."

I nod and I look at the doctor who has just walked back in.

"Well good news, Ms. Bell. There's no fluid in your lungs and the only injury you seem to have is a minor concussion," the doctor says as he walks over to me, dodging my second family.

I smile, "Alright, well thank you."

He nods and hands me a small bag, "Here is some medicine and some things to avoid during recovery."

I take it and a few moments later I'm walking out of the hospital and heading back to the hotel.


It's the next morning and it's completely silent when I wake up.

Which isn't normal.

I head out fo my room and look around and eventually find a piece of paper that's from the boys saying they're out Black Friday shopping.

I've never been into shopping on this specific 'holiday'. I'm fine with paying things full price, besides the price of what I want to buy might not even change.

I head back into my room and change before heading downstairs to eat breakfast. Once I'm done, I head back up to the penthouse and go watch tv in my room.

Which I do for hours.

Instead of going back down, I order some room service for lunch and I pretty much stay in bed all day.

That is until the boys finally get back.

"Welcome back you four," I say as I leave my room and head into the living room area.

But instead of saying hi back to me, they all pretty much scream like little girls and dart into their rooms.

"Alright then..." I mumble as I walk towards one of the closed doors.

I don't even bother with Michael and I'm able to get Will and Jacob to open their doors but they don't give me any answers.

But of course, Noah gives me some.

I knock on his door and after a few seconds he barely opens it and I see a few beads of sweat on his forehead.

"Hey Noah, how are you?"

"Good, uhm what can I help you with?" he asks as he fidgets more and more.

"I was just wondering why you guys didn't even say hi back to me when you got back?"

"Oh, we had to put our things in our rooms. Uhm hey though."

I smile a little, "Why were you in such a rush to put the bags away?"

He starts to ramble and I start to glare at him until he finally snaps.

"Because the bags had presents for you in them!"

I hear the other three groan and they come out of their rooms.

"Seriously, Noah? You have got to work on that." Will says as he walks over.

"Yeah I know I know. I'm sorry, she was doing that one glare that makes you want to just kill yourself and I couldn't handle it."

I just smirk and look at the boys, "Well I got what I came for."

They all start yelling and I'm not completely sure who it's targetted to but I just leave the area and head back to my room.


It's exactly three weeks later and we have just arrived in New York City!

Our next concert is tomorrow, which is also a week from Christmas!

And we're celebrating the holidays in the amazing city which I've dreamed about for years.

Once the bus stops, I get up and go to grab my bags but someone beats me to it.

"Jacob I swear to god if you don't give me back my bags I will kill you," I say as I spin around towards him with a glare.

He laughs, "Oh please Sia you wouldn't. Now when are you going to get it through your thick head that I will take at least one of your bags if you like it or not."

I groan and just grab my other bags. I don't get why he has just started doing this. It doesn't make sense. Like I understood when the boys practically fought to help me when I had my concussion but I'm completely fine now so I guess he just likes to annoy me.


No, that's stupid.

So stupid I'm not even gonna finish my thought.

Anyways, since it's almost midnight, right when we get to the penthouse I take my bag and head to the room I claim.

I put everything down and I don't even bother unpacking since I have the routine down by now.

Basically, I crash the first night and don't worry about anything.

Wake up early the next morning and eat breakfast as soon as possible.

Unpack after eating.

And usually, by the time I'm unpacked, it's time to head to the venue.

So, I'm good.

Which means I am asleep basically right after I enter that room.


It's the next day and we're just arriving at the venue.

"Madison Square Garden!"

Our dream venue.

We could care less that we weren't sold out, we were just happy to be able to perform here.

The crew sets everything up and after the routine sound checks and other things, those of us who are going to be on stage, are sent to wardrobe.

Eva takes her time choosing this outfit since she knows I've been dreaming of this moment.

But once she has decided, I change and look amazing.

I was wearing a short gold dress with an a-line cut that stops right above my knees, and I had a black leather jacket on over it. She gave me several accessories and soon after that, she sent me out so I could get backstage.

Once I got to the meeting area, a couple of crew members came to hook me up to my ear monitors and stuff when another crew member came running up to me.

"Finally! I can't find anyone else, but Stephanie and Lydia can't go on."

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