Chapter 26

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I eventually finish the sheet music and right when I do I quickly head back into the living room to find the team just like I thought I would.

"Are they still out there?" I ask as I separate the papers.

"The vultures? Yeah, they haven't budged," Michael says as he rolls his eyes.

"Luna... what's in your hands?" Noah asks as he points at the stack of papers.

I just smirk, "I new song."

They all look at me curiously then I see Kimber smirk.

"Can I see?"

I nod and hand her the lyrics and she laughs as she reads them.

"These are amazing, I'm guessing these are sarcastic though?" she asks as a gleam shines in her eyes.

I nod, "Of course."

She laughs a little more as she hands me the papers back and I look over at the idiots.

"Alright, you guys how many extension cords do you think we have?"

After almost half an hour, multiple amps, speakers, mics, and extension cords are surrounding me on the floor, and the boys each have their instruments.

"So what exactly did we bring all this stuff out for?" Jacob asks.

I smirk and hand them each their sheet music.

"We're gonna give the paparazzi a show."

I see Kimber hold in a laugh and soon enough the boys are helping Shawn set everything outside while Kimber, Adam, Matthew, and I are controlling the crowd.

Once it's connected to a speaker Jacob tosses me a mic and I speak into it.

"Alright everyone shut up!"

They go silent which surprised me, but I kept myself focused.

"I know you guys want a story, and you're going to get one. But, it might not be the one your expecting."

They start going crazy asking me questions but I just ignore everything until the boys signal to me that everything is ready.

I smirk and music starts blasting through the speakers.

"We are the crowd

We're c-coming out

Got my flash on, it's true

Need that picture of you

It's so magical

We'd be so fantastical"

I continue the song and I watch as the people's mood gets worse and worse.

And by the end of the song, everyone's gone.

"Well, there may be a sucky story later tonight, but at least they're gone," I say with a shrug.

They all just smile and laugh before we head inside, bringing everything back in with us.


It's a few days later and I'm working on some songs with the boys when my phone starts going crazy.

"Whose is it?" Will asks.

"Mine," I say as I look at the phone and see Julia's name bright on my screen, "I need to go take this, I'll be right back."

They all say something as a signal that they know and I head out as I answer.

"Hey, Julz what's up?" I ask as I start walking towards my room.

"It's Mom and Dad..."

With those few words, my body tenses up and my phone almost drops from my hands.

"Wh-what about them?" I ask trying to keep my voice from cracking.

Julia's voice is more different than ever, I don't think I have ever heard it like this.

Which terrifies me.

"They were driving back from their trip... They wanted to surprise us..."

As she continues everything around me seems to fade away.

"I was told it was a drunk driver... They were switching lanes..."

I fell into a trance. Everything just seemed cold and empty.

"They're gone, Lu..."

And with those three words, I broke down crying.

I could hear her talking on the other line, but I had no idea what she was saying. And soon enough she had hung up.

Everything hurt. My mind was going thousands of miles an hour. And I didn't know what was happening around me.

Until I heard Julz again.

I didn't know what she said, but I could feel her arms wrapping around me. And I just let myself collapse into her arms.

I couldn't stop crying.

And it wasn't until I heard a couple more voices that I realized how long I had been.

"What happened? Is everything okay?"

I made myself stop crying and I looked up to see the boys all standing a few feet from us, just looking in confusion.

Julz explains, which causes her to start crying, but I know she is holding in as much as possible.

"Oh god...I am so sorry..." Noah says so quietly I can barely hear him.

I slowly get up and wipe the tears from my eyes as I look down at my feet, "I'm gonna go to my room...Guys help Julz feel welcome..."

I start walking down the hall but I feel someone gently grab my hand causing me to stop.

"Are you sure?" Jacob asks as he let's go of my hand.

I nod and keep a tear from falling, "Yeah, I am."

I start walking faster and before I know it I'm back in my room.

Which causes the tears to start falling once again.

I fall onto my bed and I let the tears fall. There's no one to see, no one has to know.

And no one will.

If it was my choice.

I'm not sure how much time passed, but eventually, there was a small knock at my door.


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