Chapter 24

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"She what?"

He scoffs, "That call I just answered? Yeah, it wasn't to catch up, it was to break up with me. She said that the long-distance thing just wasn't working anymore."

I move so I'm sitting next to him, "I'm sorry, dude. That really sucks."

He rolls his eyes and gets up, "Yeah whatever. I should've seen it coming, let's just get to the studio."

He walks off and I don't try to stop him, I just sigh and follow.

As we walk in the others all smile and are about to welcome him back but then they notice his expression and immediately are confused.

"Hey man, what's-"

I glare at Noah which shuts him up and we just start working on the new song.

Hours later Kimber sends us off since it's pretty late and while I'm heading out I'm grabbed by the arm and pulled back into the studio.

"What the- Guys what's wrong with you?!" I exclaim as I glare at everyone crowding around me.

"What's up with Jacob?" Will asks as he lets go of my arm.

I roll my eyes, "None of your business."

They stop me from leaving again and I just groan, "Jacob will tell you when he wants too! Until then it's not your problem!"

They all groan and eventually let me leave which lets me run to my room and sleep for the rest of the night.


It's a couple of days later and Jacob has finally snapped.

"Alright! I'll tell you guys what's wrong if it'll shut you up!" he yelled.

The others cheered and he just rolled his eyes and walked into the living room. I laughed and just followed them and when I eventually walked in they were all sitting down just staring into Jacob's soul.

"You guys are ridiculous," I say with a laugh as I sit down.

"Yeah yeah, we know. Now, what is wrong with you, man?" Will asks.

Jacob just groans and tells them everything, and by the time he's finished, they are completely silent.

"I didn't know you idiots could be this quiet," I say with a smirk.

Michael rolls his eyes, "Oh shut up Luna. We know when we shouldn't be joking around."

"Well, I know that the other three do but are you sure about you, Hair Gel?"

He just growls at me under his breath and walks out but not before saying sorry to Jacob.

"I'm over it guys, I promise. Everythig is fine, you can go do whatever," Jacob says before standing up and heading towards the stairs.

I look at the other two curiously, "Aren't you gonna follow him?"

They look back at me the same way and Noah speaks up, "Why would we do that?"

"Because he's clearly not fine."

He sighs and stands up with Will soon following, "Yeah, we know. But when it comes to Jacob, it's better to just pretend we believe him."

I roll my eyes and just head upstairs, sure I meant to go straight to my room, but when I heard a crash in Jacob's room, I couldn't help but look in.

And when I did he was sitting in the middle of his room almost exactly like he had been when I found him in the hall a couple of nights ago.

"Jacob? Are you okay?" I ask as I slowly walk in, stopping a few feet from him.

"Go away..."

I roll my eyes and look to the side to see broken glass scattered on the floor from what I'm guessing was the picture frame which is also broken a few inches away.

"I'm guessing that's what the crash I heard was?" I ask as I start to walk towards it.

"Leave it, Luna. And get out."

"No, get up and look at me."

He surprisingly does but when I look into his eyes I see that they are filled with pain.

I sigh and walk over to him, "Sit down."

He sits on his bed and I sit down next to him, "Listen, I get that this is painful, but it'll be fine. It may not seem like it now but I promise it will."

He doesn't respond and I just look him over. He's a bigger mess than usual. His hair doesn't look purposely messy anymore, it looks like it can't be any other way. There are bags under his eyes and he just looks hurt.

"I lost her, Sia..." he whispers as he stares at the floor.

That single sentence just sent a huge wave of pain through me. I don't know why. Maybe it was just how he said it. But it hurt.

"I know...But someday you won't feel that pain anymore. It may seem far from now, but it might be closer than what you think."

He just sighs and then does something I never thought would happen. He leans his head on my shoulder. Sure, it might not seem that surprising, but I never would've thought I would be in this situation.

But I don't move him. I just sit there and look over at the broken glass, making a mental note to clean it up as soon as possible.

And that moment came sooner than I thought.

After about fifteen minutes of kinda just siting there, I looked over at him and noiced he was asleep. So, I moved him and made him lie down and I cleaned up the glass and broken picture frame with a broom I found in a nearby supply closet.

When I was cleaning up the picture frame pieces I looked at the picture that was in it and I realized why he had thrown it.

It was a picture of him and Maddie.

I decide to just put it on a shelf and let him do what he wants with it when he finds it.

Once I am positive there is no more glass on the floor. I head out of his room and finally head to mine.

But not before hearing someone clear their throat from behind me.


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