Chapter 20

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"We're what?!"

Kimber sighs, "Tomorrow at noon you guys are going to Lacewood Records so Maxwell can meet Luna."

"What do you mean to meet her? Is he gonna have her sing?" Noah asks.

"I'm not sure but I wouldn't be surprised, so I would prepare a song or two."

We start trying to figure out a song but we're having trouble.

"We should do songs that she's written since it will be more impressive."

"Right, but which ones?"


"Nah it's too repetitive."

"Bad Romance?"

"No way, I'll be too nervous to do the riff, even an octave lower."

"What about the songs you wrote today?" Jacob suggests.

I think for a moment and then slowly nodded, "I think they might work."

"Okay, we'll use the new songs, which means we have to go practice right now!" Noah exclaims before running towards the studio.

We all follow him and when we get there I hand out the sheet music for each song and we start with 'Shout Out to My Ex'.


It's past midnight and we're doing our last runs of each song and they honestly sound amazing.

"Alright you guys, get to bed!" Kimber exclaims.

We all gladly do so and pretty much right when my head hits my pillow, I'm asleep.

Over nine hours later I'm waking up to Kimber knocking and she tells me to just wear something simple and to not worry too much about what I wear.

So I do just that.

After taking a quick shower, I dry and brush my hair and just leave it down and then change into a white crop top and some bleached jeans. I put some white tennis shoes on as well as some silver hoop earrings and a silver necklace. I do pretty simple makeup and when I'm done I grab my things and head downstairs.

And when I look at the time I realize it's already almost eleven.

So I quickly eat anything I could find and when I'm done Kimber walks down the steps.

"Do you have the needed sheet music?"

I nod, "Yeah it's in my bag."

"Okay, good. I know you guys pretty much mastered it last night but just in case."

"I get it. Before you get distracted with something else can I ask you a question?"

She nods, "Yeah, what's up?"

"Could you sing back up vocals for me? I know I usually just record them separately and then use the recording over the rest of it but we didn't have time to record them and I think that the song would sound so much better if-"

"Of course, I'll do the backup vocals. I'll just need the papers in front of me." Kimber says with a smile.

I smile and nod, "I've got them."

Half an hour later we're all piling into cars and driving to the Lacewood building.

After a twenty-minute drive, we're pulling in and my heart immediately starts beating faster.

We head in and Kimber leads us to a studio room and I just look at all the equipment in amazement.

As I'm looking at the effects units I hear the door open and immediately urn around to see a tall man with red-brown hair and green eyes walks in with two others who I'm assuming are his assistants.

"It's good to see you, Maxwell," Kimber says with a small smile.

He nods slightly, "You as well, Kimberly. The boys look good as well. Now, where is your new lead vocalist?"

I take a step forward, "That would be me, sir."

He looks over at me in confusion, "You're the new lead?"

I nod, "Yes, I am."

He nods, "Very well. What's your name?"

"Luna Bell."

He continues to ask me a few more questions until he asks me to sing a song.

"Just one?" I ask.

He nods, "Yes, just one."

I nod and head into the live room with the boys and Kimber. I hand them the sheet music to 'Black Magic' and I go to the mic.

"Alright, this is a song we have called 'Black Magic'."

I put the headphones on and before I know it I'm singing my song.

"Take a sip of my secret potion

I'll make you fall in love

For a spell that can't be broken

One drop should be enough

Boy, you belong to me

I've got the recipe

And it's called black magic"

When the song is finished, Maxwell slow claps and motions for us to come back out.

Once we are, he looks at me like I'm a puzzle, "Did you write that song?"

"Yes, I did."

"All aspects of it?"

"Well I worked on the lyrics with Kimber and we worked on the instrumentals and sheet music with Noah and Will," I reply.

He slowly nods, "You have a good voice. What are you planning on doing with that song?"

"We were thinking of just releasing it as a single to officially announce her as the band's new lead singer," Kimber replies.

"Have you written anything else?"

I nod, "I've written three other songs."

He asks if we have a copy of one of the other songs and Shawn says that he does and starts playing a recording of me performing Bad Romance at the gig we did a few weeks ago.

Maxwell seemed more impressed by it than Black Magic which I was okay with, some songs are liked better than others.

As it finishes he looks at me, "I've been told you can play some instruments as well?"

"Yes, I can play piano, guitar, and I'm learning how to play drums. Would you like me to demonstrate it for you?"

He shakes his head, "That won't be needed no." he thinks for a moment and then looks back into my eyes, "I'm excited to work with you, Luna."

I smile, "You as well."

He 'dismisses' us and we leave the studio. As we're walking into the garage we all start going crazy and we couldn't believe how well that actually went.

"Oh my god I'm so happy he liked me," I say with a huge smile.

"Liked you? Sia, he loved you!" Jacob exclaims with the same smile.

I start freaking out and after another ten minutes of us all being really excited in the parking lot, we head to our cars and head back to the house.

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