Chapter 35

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"You know...Will is kinda attractive," Julz says out of nowhere.

My eyes go wide, "Are you serious? Aren't you seeing someone?"

She laughs a little, "Nah, that ended a while ago. And yeah, I am serious."

"Serious about what?"

I look behind me and see Noah coming out of his room.

"Nothing," I quickly say.

"Luna, no. I was just saying, Noah, how I thought Will was attractive," she says.

Let me tell you I was trying to make her stop. I did every hand sign imaginable. But it didn't work.

"Are you serious!" Noah exclaims I swear loud enough for the entire block to hear him.

"A little louder would you?" I say with a groan.

Michael and Jacob both come out of their rooms confused and soon they're both also huddled around me with Noah.

"What's up?" Jacob asks as he sits down next to me.

"Julz thinks Will's hot," Noah says.

I roll my eyes and when I look back at Julz she's just nodding.

"Seriously?" Michael asks as he looks onto my screen.

"Oh please, how hard is it to believe? Yes, I think Will is hot."


I groan and look behind me and see Will, fully clothed, frozen in his steps.

"Thank god you have clothes on," I say without even thinking.


I hold my ear and glared at Jacob, "Why the hell would you yell in my ear like that?!"

"When did he not have clothes on?" Noah curiously asks.

"He was looking for his phone and he had just gotten out fo the shower. But that's not what we're gonna focus on. Right now I think my dear sister and our keyboard player should talk."

I take Will's phone back out from my pocket and I put Julia's number in and just text some random letters.

"Julz that's Will's number. You guys talk whenever. I'm hungry and breakfast is being served downstairs so I'll talk to you later okay?"

She says okay and waves bye and I hang up.

I close my laptop and put it down on the coffee table and stand up to look at my four idiots.

All of them are in some level of shock but Will is practically frozen.

I roll my eyes and give him his phone back, "You may think Jacob and I look cute, but I bet you guys would too."

And with that, I don't say anything else. I just put some shoes on and head out to go get some food, not even looking to see if anyone followed.

For the rest of the morning, Will kind of is just freaking out. He just keeps rambling on and on about how he can't believe Julz thinks he's attractive and that he now has her number and as he keeps going on and on, the feeling that he has had some level of a crush on her gets stronger and stronger.

We're walking back to the penthouse after lunch when I decide to just screw it and ask, "Will do you have a crush or whatever on my sister?"

"Yes," he quickly says.

Which causes all of us to freeze.

"That was fast," Michael says with an eyebrow raised.

"How long?" Noah asks.

"Uhh since May so a little more than six months?" he replies as he does the math in his head.

I think back to what happened in May and my eyes go wide, "You're telling me you've had a crush on my sister ever since she almost beat the crap out of you guys?"

"Heh, I mean yeah, but when you say it like that..."

I just shake my head a little, "Whatever. I'd tell her. I think you guys would be good together."

The walk to the penthouse was silent after that. But when we got there I was super bored so I stood in the middle of the living room area and yelled pretty loudly, "Does anyone want to go swimming?!"

I hear yells from all of them saying yes so I just yell back okay and the head to my room to change into a swimsuit.

After about twenty minutes I finally head out of my room after getting distracted multiple times and when I do I find the boys all standing near the door on their phones.

"I texted Kimber asking if she wanted to come down and she said she would so I'm guessing we'll be meeting her down there. Now let's go," Jacob said before swinging the door open and heading out.

We all follow him and we eventually are all down at the indoor pool.

And Kimber is already in the water.

"This definitely isn't my typical Thanksgiving," she says as we put our things down.

"Well, it's not supposed to be," Michael says before jumping in.

The boys all follow and I thankfully walk in instead of being pulled in by one of the boys.

"What do you guys normally do?" I ask as I swim to Kimber's side.

"Nothing much. We usually stay at home, watch some football, and have a big dinner. But this is obviously not the same," Noah replies.

I nod a little, "Well it's a little boring just sitting here. Anyone wanna race?"

Michael and Jacob both jump to do it and we swim to the edge of the pool.

"You'll tell us who wins?" I ask Kimber.

She laughs a little, "This is very childish you know. But sure."

I nod and once I can tell the boys are ready, I smirk and start counting down.


We all dive under and I swim as fast as possible.

But that wasn't exactly a good idea.

We obviously didn't have any goggles.

And normal people would most likely just open their eyes a little bit so they can see.

But you see I swear I have the most sensitive eyes ever.

And I know this pool is filled with who knows what kind of chemicals.

So I didn't do that.

Which caused me, to go full speed at a wall.

At an unknown location.

And I hit it headfirst.

Then everything went black.

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