Chapter 38

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I immediately put all my attention on him, "What the hell do you mean they can't go on?"

"They're puking their guts out, they went to this random juice bar and something didn't sit well. You don't have any backup singers."

My mind starts going hundreds of miles an hour but eventually, something pops into my mind.

"Give me the walkie-talkie."


"Give me the walkie-talkie!" I exclaim before basically taking it from him.

"Hello? Kimber are you there?!"

After a few moments a voice on the other side comes through, "Yeah, I'm here what's up?"

I sigh, "Get to the green room, now."

"On my way."

I give the device back to the crew member and since I was hooked up to everything, I ran off to the room

When I got there, Kimber was walking in and I noticed the boys were in there messing around.

"Guys! Stop it!" I yell.

Everything goes silent and they all put their focus on me.

"What's up, Sia?" Jacob asks as he eyes me weirdly.

I told them about what I was just told and once I was finished everyone was freaking out.

"It won't sound the same without backup vocals."

"If one of us did them it would suck."

"Why did this have to happen tonight?"

"Guys! Calm down! I have an idea!" I exclaim so they would shut up.

They all looked at me and I just smiled, "Someone here could easily do the back-up vocals."

They all look at me confused and like I was crazy, but soon Kimber's eyes went wide and I knew she figured it out.

"No way. Not a chance!" she starts rambling on basically to herself but I just put a hand on her shoulder and make her look right in my eyes.

"Kimber, it'll be okay. And you would do great! You know all our songs inside and out and you have a great voice! Plus you've already done back-up at other gigs."

"But this is such a big deal for you guys. I would just let you down and ruin your dream concert..."

I sigh and give her a hug, "Trust me, I don't know about the other guys but I know for a fact that you could never ruin anything and you will never let me down."

The guys all agree and as I come out of the hug she has a small smile on her face.

"Alright, I'll do it."

We all cheer but then I send her straight to Eva so she can get her into an outfit more appropriate for tonight.

I can proudly say that the concert went amazing.

Just like I thought it would.

But I had a lot to do.

You see I'm pretty good at not procrastinating and getting things done sooner rather than later.

But I never have been able to say the same for buying gifts for people.

Every since I was younger, I always set off buying gifts for the last minute, so now for the next few days, that's all I'm going to be doing.

Buying gifts for everyone important to me.

Which is more than you could imagine.

Most of it was pretty easy, for the tour crew, I bought them all gift cards for various places depending on the person.

For Stephanie and Lydia, I got gift cards but I also got them a gold bracelet with a small music note charm.

I got Eva a brand new makeup organizer since I noticed the one she always uses can barely close and I also got her a silver necklace with ballet slippers since she once told me she had been doing ballet for years.

But then came the hard part.

The boys and Kimber.

Noah came surprisingly easy though. I got him a few records he had repeatedly said he wanted and I also got him couple more pars of drumsticks and some new art supplies that he could customize them with.

Then there was Will. I eventually found a couple of books he mentioned and I also got him a wallet since I have noticed that his is literally falling to pieces.

It took me a while to find something for Kimber, but I eventually found her a few random small things and a silver cuff bracelet that had an engraving on the inside that said "Thank you for keeping me sane".

I also had to call Kimber to help me figure out what to get Michael, cause I honestly didn't have a clue.

She said to get him a couple of notebooks for lyrics and also to get him this little thing that would punch out guitar picks out of old gift cards and stuff similar to them.

So, I did.

And then lastly there was Jacob. I honestly couldn't figure out what to get him. But in the middle of the night, I figured it out. The next morning, I got him an acoustic guitar.

Yep, even though he already has a ton, I bought him another one.

It was cheap though since it was already used.

I didn't buy it for him to really play. I mean I knew he obviously would, since it's a guitar and that's his instrument, but I wanted to make it a little more special.

I bought some paint pens and on I think Tuesday night, I spent the whole night customizing the guitar and covering it with the moon and stars.

I thought it was cool, he might not, but I did.

Plus I couldn't figure anything else out but I got a couple of gift cards just in case.

Anyways, it's Thursday, the twenty-third. Which I love to call Chrismas Eve Eve.

I'm heading out of my room after spending most of the morning wrapping gifts and I stop dead in my tracks.

Sitting on the couch with a huge smile is none other than my older sister.

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