Chapter 27

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I don't even say anything and Jacob still comes in.

"What do you want..." I mumble as I wipe tears from my eyes.

"I just want to tell you that it's okay to be upset. I couldn't even imagine the pain you're going through right now," he says as he sits down next to me.

"Can you please just go?"

He shakes his head slightly, "I'm not just going to let you hide away in here..."

"Jacob! Please!" I yell as I feel tears stinging my eyes, "Leave!"

His eyes have a hurt expression in them but he doesn't budge, "No."

I go to say something but I don't because he catches me off guard with a hug.

Yeah, you read that right, I stop yelling at him because he gives me a hug.

Pathetic, right?

And guess what? I break down crying, again.

"It's all my fault..." I mumble as I try to stop me from crying.

He pulls away and looks at me, confused, "What do you mean?"

Hot tears fall from my eyes, "I'm the reason they were even driving then...I paid for them to go on a trip to Utah since they love the mountains so much and it was their thirtieth anniversary. If it wasn't for me they would still be here..."

Without hesitation, he pulls me back into a hug, "Luna I promise you it wasn't your fault. Don't blame yourself for this, it will just make you hurt even more."

I just shake my head and pull away, "Please, just leave..."

He just looks me in the eyes, acting like there is something special to find in them, and eventually just nods, "Alright Luna. I'll go. Just know you can always talk to me, okay?"

I just nod and he walks out, leaving me with tears still falling down my face.


Almost a week goes by and I have left my room only once.

Which was for my parents' funeral a couple of days ago...

The boys and Kimber take turns bringing me food and I have just been staying in the room.

I haven't been doing much, but I have been trying to write anything I could think of.

I'm not going to be completely useless during my grief. I may not be rehearsing, but at least I'll have something to show.

Out of everything I started writing, I've only finished one, but that's better than nothing.

As I'm trying to think of more lyrics for another song, I hear a knock at my door.

This time, I open it. Which surprises Kimber.

"Oh, hey. I didn't think you were going to open it, but I need to tell you something..."

I look at her curiously, "Okay...What is it?"

Since she's acting like it's pretty bad, I was scared to hear what she had to say, but I quickly lost the fear.

"We have to be at Lacewood Records in two hours. Maxwell wants to see what new songs we have. The boys have written a couple but they were wondering if you had any new ones that we don't know about?"

I smile a little, "Yeah, I do. It's slower since I wrote it within the last week, but I like it."

She nods, "Alright, well I'll let you get ready. We'll all meet in the garage in an hour and a half."

I nod and she leaves.

And I start moving faster than ever.

I take a shower and rush into my closet so I can change into a black, cropped, spaghetti strap tank top, some high waisted bleached jean shorts, and a sheer white cover-up thing. I grab a necklace with some turquoise colored stone as the charm and I put on my short black heeled shorts before heading back into my bathroom.

I dry my hair and brush it out before doing the easiest makeup I could think of.

I head back into the main part of my room and gather everything I normally take to meetings with Max including my notebook and folder.

When I grab my phone and check the time, I see that I have five minutes to get into the garage.

So I run faster than I thought I ever could.

When I get to the garage I see that I'm the last one to get there but no one judges me. Kimber just has us all get in our cars and we head out.

And a little over half an hour later, I'm in a studio with the rest of the band and the band's team at Lacewood Records.

I head into the live room with the boys and give them the sheet music for the song I wrote and after they look over it for a couple of moments, Shawn signals for us to start.

It starts off well. The boys are able to keep up.

But as I'm entering the chorus something, weird, happens.

"I will scream them loud tonight

Can you hear my voice this time?

This is my fight song"

"Pretty, pretty please, don't you ever ever feel

Like you're less than, less than perfect"

As I was saying the last couple of words, the boys change the music and Jacob starts singing his own lyrics.

He continues on for a while, but he eventually stops, and Maxwell is very confused.

"I thought Luna was the lead vocalist?" he asks, not noticing Shawn hold down the button.

"She is, sir. We just wanted to try something new. For you and us ourselves." Kimber replies as her eyes dart from Maxwell to us.

He slowly nods, "While it does sound interesting, I believe it would be better if we kept Luna on lead and Jacob as well as whoever else on backup."

She nods with a slight smile, "I absolutely agree sir. Would you like us to perform any other songs for you?"

He nods and we start performing another song we had ready.

But the only thing running through my mind was how I needed to talk to the boys as soon as possible.

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