Chapter 46

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I told the whole story about that day. The boys cut in every now and then but what seemed to be interesting to Gloria was how I first met Jacob.

"So Jacob is the first one of them that you met?" she asks as she gestures towards the boys.

I nod, "Yep, and it was while I was completely embarrassing myself."

Her eyebrows sort of scrunch up as she becomes slightly confused, "What do you mean?"

"Well, I'm the more technical one between me and my sister so I was making sure everything electronic was set to their standards. For a sound check I was singing into a microphone I had around and Jacob walked in while I was doing so. I hadn't even noticed."

"That encounter is also how she got her nickname," Jacob says with a slight laugh and a smirk.

"A nickname? How'd you get a nickname?"

"Well, when we first met she never told me her name. Granted I didn't tell her mine, but when I came in she was singing 'Elastic Heart'. And let me tell you it was the best sound I ever heard. But that's not relavent. Anyways, ever since that day, Sia has been her nickname."

Jacob had a huge smirk on his face the entire time and once he was done I wanted to just hide my head in my knees.

"Well, it's quite a good nickname. Now, you guys are surprisingly good at hiding your personal life, which I admire. But your fans have always been wondering, are any of you dating anyone?"

We all kind of break into some sort of laughter and I swear I hear Kimber or Julz laugh backstage but I keep myself as composed as possible.

"Well, Gloria, that has an interesting answer. A little while after I joined the band, Michael and I dated for a little while but it did not work out very well. As you may know from the video that was spread around from one of my first gigs," I reply.

"I came out of a relationship last summer. It was a long-distance and it just didn't work out in the end." Jacob adds once he's composed himself.

"Really? Well, how about you two?" Gloria asks Will and Noah.

"Well, I haven't been dating anyone for a while. But Will over here has since Thanksgiving." Noah says with a smirk.

His eyes go wide and I can barely hold in my laughter.

"And who's this lucky girl?"

I break out in laughter and Jacob keeps me from falling off the couch.

But, when I look over at Will and I notice he's better.

"Well, Gloria, I just so happen to be dating Luna's sister, Julia."

There's various responses from the audience but Gloria's jaw has dropped.

And my laughter isn't even close to stopping.

"Her sister? Is she here?"

Before I know it Julz is being thrown onto the stage and cameras are turning towards her.

Will stands up and takes her by the hand towards the couch and as they sit down Jacob is able to get me to stop laughing.

"Well, it is nice to meet you, Julia was it?" Gloria says.

My sister just nods and Gloria goes to put her attention back on me.

"So how have you reacted to this?"

I take a breath and smile, "I couldn't be more okay with it. Will is an amazing guy and I know they are happy with each other. But I have warned him that if he hurts her I won't hesitate to hurt him back."

Gloria just smirks, "Well now we know not to get on your bad side. Has there been any other relationships in this group?" she asks as her focus moves to all of us.

"Well, our sound enginear and my sister, who is our manager, got together at the beginning of our tour." Michael answers.

"Ah yes your tour! Have you spoken to anyone you worked with recently?"

I think abut it for a moment, "Well, I've texted our backup singers a few times but we haven't seen them since the tour."

She just smiles and I can hear commotion behind me and before I know it I see who's behind me on a screen.

"Hey, you guys!"

We all turn around to find Stephanie and Lydia standing there with huge smiles.

I couldn't help myself and I got up and pulled them both into a hug. They were some of the people I worked the closest with, and I honestly missed them.

"How have you guys been?" I ask as we come out of the hug.

"We've been good," Stephanie replied.

"We've both been working on our own individual music," Lydia adds.

We sit down and I look at them confused, "Wait have you guys been signed?"

They both nod and the crowd starts to cheer.

"That's amazing you two. Congrats," Noah says.

We all talk for a few more moments but then Gloria gets our attention back.

"Well, I'm happy to see you guys have such a happy reunion but we still have a couple more questions."

We nod and she goes ahead and continues.

"I'm not sure if you've known but a few weeks ago there was a video going around and your fans and I were wondering if you could explain?"

"Of course," Jacob says with a smile.

A screen turns on and soon a video is playing. It takes a minute for me to realize what it is but once I watch it for a few moments I realize it's a video of me singing at Disneyland.

Everyone looks at me confused except for Jacob. He just has a curious expression towards the screen.

"Huh, I didn't know someone recorded that," I say as the video ends.

"Could you explain what that was?"

I nod, "Yeah, of course. Well, there's one more relationship that's been going on in the group for a few months."

She urges me to continue simply by looking directly into my eyes.

"That is a video of me singing to Jacob on Valentine's Day."

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