Part 1 : It's Me

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Lauren's POV

I was growing up in a loving family. I only had one sibling, my elder brother, Chris. Our parents really loved us that we could feel their love and affection every day. My father was a very artistic person but not in his professional life. He was an engineer and my mother was a teacher who loved to spend her time at the orphanage helping and caring the elderly people.

Chris and I went to the same school when we were teenagers. He was not only a good-looking boy but also had good grades and was friendly. He was not the smartest and the most good-looking boy in the school but many girls liked him as he was charming. Unlike him who was popular, I was the girl who didn't talk much. I spent my days only with my tiny group. If you asked people which one was, Lauren Jauregui, they would tell you that quiet and shy girl whose nose was in a book, or they would tell you Chris Jauregui's sister. While Chris had many girls crushing on her, I hardly had one boy having a crush on me. I was not that popular girl, but not also that girl in the corner. It was me, just an average girl who was quite intelligent with a little overweight body.

Chris and I had a good relationship. Even though he was popular in school, he was not ashamed of telling the world that I was his lovely sister, who was average in public opinion. Since we were babies, he always took care of me and played with me when no one wanted to play with me as I was so quiet and shy. Our parents had taught him to love and take care of me. He always watched over me when I was at school and made sure nobody hurt me.

Growing up as an average teenage girl, I was never jealous of those who were prettier and more popular. I was not the smartest, but I was proud of my brain. Everyone had their own place in the world, so nothing to be jealous of. When there were times I was not confident, My father would say, I had a beautiful mind. Meanwhile, my mother would praise my effortless achievements at school, still, she would like me to lose some weight and dress better since I was only wearing a t-shirt and jeans most of the time, not a tomboy, I just had no fashion sense and paid no attention to my closet, at least that's what I thought. My mother always made fun of me not in a bad way tho, that my closet was like a zebra, black and white. I spent my days and money more on books, music, and movies than cosmetics and dresses.

Two years ago, Chris departed for the university in New York, he decided to study law. I was aiming different university as I was into arts and decided to go to Los Angeles, two years later. We were heading in different directions. I was no longer Chris's sister in school, they would say Lauren the quiet one, or the girl who didn't talk much. It was good for me I had more freedom and became more independent, It was not that I didn't like Chris's attention, sometimes It was just good to be on your own.

I went to L.A. to pursue my degree in Art and I was staying at the university housing. This was the first day of my college year. I was so excited and hoped that I could meet and make a good friend. My wish came true, on the very first day I made a friend, a girl called Lucy. We shared many classes together. In less than three months, we became very good friends. I was glad to know her.

Lucy was coming from a very well-off family, but she was not a spoiled rich girl. She had a good heart and was humble, and she always said her opinion. Lucy had her own apartment in L.A, she asked me to move to her place, as it would help to cut my expense, and I didn't have to take too many part-time jobs to support myself and could concentrate more on my study. I was hesitant at first, but she convinced me in the end. My parents still supported my tuition fee, I just would like to be more independent. I worked at the veterinary center on Saturday and part-time during weekdays at the art gallery. Sometimes, I could get a chance to sing at some cafes in town, Lucy helped me with that as she knew some people. I was happy with my college life so far.

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