♥ seventy three ♥

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we're in a constant limbo
between being treated like children
and being expected to be adults.
and it hurts.

especially now,
when we know more than we should
about the world.
they try to keep us down,
hold us back,
but we struggle,
we try to break the pattern,
break what's left,
but the ones
who are supposed to be protecting us,
don't see it.

stay in line.
act your age.
grow up.
stop thinking you're old.
be more mature.
you can know when you're older.
we trust you with these burdens.
we don't trust you with this information.
contradictions a thousand times over.

tell us the truth.
don't expect us to be perfect.
but let us try.
let us help.
we don't know everything.
but we know that we want to fight.
don't leave us behind.
don't disregard us.
because we make mistakes sometimes.
and that should be accepted.
and not punished.
and you should still trust us.

we like to try,
and we like to get better,
and we like to know that we matter.

but when we are seen
as both too young,
and not old enough,
we hurt.
we cry.
and we hurt.
and we don't feel like enough.
and shouldn't that be enough?
enough to help us.
we don't feel like enough,
and you ignore our every word.

as we battle with invisible monsters,
and run into imaginary walls,
you tell us to live in the real world,
the one you think we know nothing about.
can't you see?
that our inner demons
are mirror images
of people in your real world,
ones who tell us we are going to fail.
and why bother?
when we won't win.

winning against your own mind
takes more than kind words and prayers.
the battle rages for years.
and it never once truly stops,
because people like you
tell us the same things
our imagination conjures up,
when real life is scarier than fantasy.

a look into my head.
or her head.
or his head.
or their head.
our minds hurt us in ways you cannot imagine.
and we have to press on.

don't categorize us.
don't push us away.
we matter.
and we deserve to be treated like we do.

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