♥ ninety four ♥

10 2 3

you're a lovely person.
really, you are.

perhaps if i were normal,
this wouldn't be so bad.

if my head would get it straight that people do care about me,
that not all of my friends secretly hate me,
that i have talents and i should take pride in them,
that i am capable and deserving of love,
maybe then,
this wouldn't be so hard.

you're so sweet.
i think you really do care.

but my head keeps yelling,
that it's all faked,
i'm lying to myself,
and that nothing i ever do will deserve this.

but if it would stop,
this could almost be good.

and i think that terrifies me.
and i think my head should shut up.
because in the end,

i might want this.

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