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Ci'ondra Loveless
December 10

"I'm ready for my daughter maneee" Draco whined as he rubbed my stomatch I was three months now so my belly was started to poke a lil bit and draco loves every bit won't stop rubbing it.

"here you go" I playfully rolled my eyes

"I'm just excited stanka" he smiled

"what if we have a boy ?" I asked looking at him

"we not I only produce girls"

"boy hush" I laughed fixing my hair in the mirror while he stood behind me. We were getting ready to go to riri and Dayday house for their gender reveal.

Me and draco both had on pink cause I think she's having a girl. Draco smacked my butt before taking off his Durga "you lowkey getting thicker period Pooh !" He stuck his tounge out while brushing his hair.

"don't ever do that again" I laughed finishing brushing my hair down and picking up my necklace and putting it on.

"you ready stanka ?" He walked out the bathroom picking up his phone off the bed.

"Yeaa" I grabbed my mine and my wallet. We walked downstairs and outside and made sure the doors was locked and all the alarms were set.

I got in the car and put my seatbelt on after struggling for a little while. I clicked on YouTube and watch women give birth. I was trynna to prepare myself for that.

"baby how would you feel if we did a water birth ?" I asked draco.

"ion care as long as my daughter enter this world safely" he smiled

This man so excited he already buying clothes and shoes, I really hope it's a girl cause if it's a boy somebody is going to be hurt. I'm grateful for him being this happy tho cause most young people be trying run from this type of responsibility. I hate people that say you only have to raise a child for 18 years old , that's not true just because their legal their still going to need help in the real worl , I would never do that to my child their welcome in my house at all ages they can stay as long ass they need before their ready to move out. I don't want to baby my child but I won't never let them struggle.

we pulled up to Dayday and riri house and it was already cars lined up. "aye stanka go head in while I park the car so you don't have to walk so far" draco pulled up in front on the House

"I don't want to walk in by myself ill walk with you" I pouted

"your pregant I don't want your feet to swell up"

"I'm going to be fine"

"ok" he sighed going on down the street. We find a park on the side behind a long line of cars. we parked and draco locked the doors and we walked up the road to Dayday and riri house. When we walked in it looked so pretty.

There was a sign in table with a picture of the ultrasound and a pink marker and a blue one. I signed me and draco name with pink marker I wrote Titi Cici & Uncle Draco love you and I drew a lil heart. We keep walking in and there was balloons tied on their staircase. they had everybody in the backyard so we went out their.

Riri was talking to some of her family member so I'll just wait untill she finish to talk to her. "I'm fianan go with the boys you good ?" Draco looked down at me.

"yea I'm just going wait till riri finish talking." I smiled up at him he look so good right now something about him in pink is hitting real good today not to mention the lighting on him from the sun.

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