$; twenty-eight

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$; Xayvien heartless
$; draco
$; feb 20

I woke up outta my sleep and slowly slide from up under cici and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face before I go handle some business.

I got my black nike sweats out and my white forces and a white t-shirt. I slipped my clothes on before picking up my phone and seeing that I had a message from the group chat with boys.

Bros 🦑🖤

draco hurry yo ugly lanky ass up nigga !

we already at the trap being to ass own .

I'm coming mole rats damn !

I slide my phone in my pocket after texting them back I made sure I had my gun and it was on safety before sliding it in my waistband. I grabbed my mask from the top of the closet just in case.

Before leaving I started kissing cici all over her face to wake her up and let her know I was leaving.

"Stop draco it to early." She whined turning to the other side.

"I'm Fianna go handle this with the boys I'll be back later."

"Be safe I love you."

"I love you too." I kissed her on the forehead before leaving out the house.

I hopped in the car and headed to the trap. I got there in no time once I got there I immediately put this lil device thing in my car to make to make it seem like I was at home.

Real nigga things only of course.

I walked inside the trap to see niggas working. This is why I love the morning shift they be on they shit rarely do I have to come in here and see some messed up or somebody not working.

"wassup draco !" Everybody said as I walked through

"sup" I nooded my head before going up the stairs to the netting room with boys.

"Finally yo lanky ass here !" Dayday ugly ass spoke as soon as I walked in the room.

"Nigga shutup." I mugged him before sitting down and turning my phone off.

"Yo ass always late." Guwapo said walking in rubbing his new dog swat head.

"I was up last night watching Disney plus with cici so excuse me for being a good boyfriend and spending time with my girlfriend." I said cutting my eyes at them. They always got some to say.

"Yo ass is whipped lil cici gave him that pussy he whipped whipped now !" Dayday laughed making Guwapo laughed.

"Fuck off can we do what we can here for ?" I looked at them getting serious. Now it's time for business.

Dayday got up and closed the door and locked it. When we handle stuff with just the three of us that means it's really serious to the business. It will either break us or make us !

"Ok so this what it is right I talked to man Freddy, he said he'll do the deal with us if he get 20 percent of the profit of how much we make. He also said as long as we can promise him no danger to his family and himself then he cool with giving us the building."

I sat back to think for a minute. The plan was we buy this man car dealership and use it as a way to hide our tracks. Most niggas go buy strip clubs to me that's to obvsious so I wanted to do something the cops wouldn't expect and that still pays a good amount of bread.

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