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Xayvien heartless
December 25

We decided to go to the mountains for Christmas so we at the mountains in Georgia we came do two days ago. It was cool or whatever last night we saw a bear in the woods. It was extra cold up here though.

"Stanka wake up" I shook cici so she could wake up and go downstairs so everybody can open their gifts. Of course riri and cici was the last ones sleep.

"Ughh" she sighed sitting up "it's too early" she pouted

"What I told you about yo morning breathe come on let's brush yo teeth" I frowned my face up. She started pouting and tears came in her eyes. "Oh my god" I threw my head back

"you're so mean my breathe is not even that bad" she started crying. That's all she been doing lately crying crying crying.

"ok I'm sorry I'm sorry" I kissed her forehead

"it's okay" she wiped her eyes and got up. She went in the bathroom to pee and then she washed her hands and started brushing her teeth. While she did that I made up the bed.

She finished and we went downstairs and sat on the couch. "Wassup y'all" I dapped the boys up.

"manee I'm sleepy can we hurry up"riri whined

"Me too" cici and Brittney said at the same time

"y'all assess should have went to bed last night instead of making tik toks" Carlos said

"Shutup" they all said. He just held his hands up.

"merry khrismay !" Nasir yelled

"aww merry Christmas titi baby !" Cici cooed picking him up kissing all over his face while he giggled.

"here" Dayday started handing riri her gifts, I gave cici hers and Carlos gave Brittney hers. They started opening them. They finished opening their gifts and they told us thank you and kissed us and all of that.

Everybody gave Their gifts to Nasir while of course he had the most cause he was the only child. Then the girls gave us our gifts.

Now it was time for the big surprise. Carlos walked over to Brittney and got on his knee making the girls immediately stand up.

"I love you so much baby, we meet in a very werid way but you gave me my son you gave me the love I had longed for for years that I couldn't get from my mama you should me what a real woman was. We had our ups and downs but you stood by my side no matter what I love you forver baby will you marry me please ?" He asked. The girls was crying.

"y-yes !" Brittney finally got her words out and Carlos slid the ring on her finger and gave her kiss. When he put her down Nasir ranned and hugged her.

"momma don't touch !" He yelled hitting her leg. We all laughed while she picked him up and gave him a kiss.

Once they all settled down and I pulled out the promise ring I was going to give cici. "look I'm not proposing but I do have a promise ring" I slid it on her finger "I promise to be the best father ever, to be their by your side during the good and bad times, to support you through whatever you do no matter, I promise to love you forver and my daughter" I smiled before kissing her.

"thank you tiga !" She gave me a hug and kissed me back.

Dayday has already gave riri her ring in the gifts so now they all recording their hands and shit.

"this the best Christmas I den had in awhile !" Cici said sitting down on my lap.

"yea me too" riri agreed with her.

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