Renewed Rules & Roles

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In this game, there are two (excluding tbd) teams. They work against each as they try to win.


[1] If you don't reply to the activity chain for two consecutive days without giving me a valid reason beforehand, you'll be kicked due to the fact that there are only seven players.

[2] The mafia will be updated at 15 - 16 hours (3 - 4) UTC+3. Each day and/or night will have roughly 24 hours during which nightly actions are performed and/or players are voted on.

[3] Just because we switched gamemodes doesn't mean that food isn't still your overlord.


HEALER | ruthful team
Every night, this dragon heals someone. If said someone was attacked, they'll survive.
GOAL: catch the killer

KILLER | ruthless team
Every night, this dragon kills someone. That's. . .that's all there is to it. ;~;
GOAL: kill everyone on the ruthful team

INVESTIGATOR | ruthful team
Every night, this dragon accuses two players of being the Killer based on a vague hint. The next day, everyone votes on the pair selected.
GOAL: catch the killer

INSOMNIAC | ruthful team
Every night, this dragon stays awake due to a traumatizing experience on the battlefield. They have a 10% chance of seeing someone with a nightly action up and about.
GOAL: catch the killer

HUNTER | ruthful team
Every night, this dragon hunts because they're always hungry. They then choose a dragon to give the excess prey to, and have a 25% chance of seeing that dragon performing their nightly action.
GOAL: catch the killer

If anything - from the Killer attacking them to the Hunter gifting prey - happens to this dragon, there's a 50% chance of the action failing. If the action does fail, they will gain a physical trait of the dragon who interacted with them.
GOAL: how do you not know this team's goal be now

At the beginning of the game, this dragon copies someone else. They gain that dragon's role and their goal; however, if/when they perform their new nightly action, it will only work 50% of the time. However, if the killer is executed the first day, the WW will take the killer's role and their nightly action will work 75% of the time.
GOAL: to be determined

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