In this game, there are two (excluding tbd) teams. They work against each as they try to win.
[1] If you don't reply to the activity chain for two consecutive days without giving me a valid reason beforehand, you'll be kicked due to the fact that there are only seven players.
[2] The mafia will be updated at 15 - 16 hours (3 - 4) UTC+3. Each day and/or night will have roughly 24 hours during which nightly actions are performed and/or players are voted on.
[3] Just because we switched gamemodes doesn't mean that food isn't still your overlord.
HEALER | ruthful team
Every night, this dragon heals someone. If said someone was attacked, they'll survive.
GOAL: catch the killerKILLER | ruthless team
Every night, this dragon kills someone. That's. . .that's all there is to it. ;~;
GOAL: kill everyone on the ruthful teamINVESTIGATOR | ruthful team
Every night, this dragon accuses two players of being the Killer based on a vague hint. The next day, everyone votes on the pair selected.
GOAL: catch the killerINSOMNIAC | ruthful team
Every night, this dragon stays awake due to a traumatizing experience on the battlefield. They have a 10% chance of seeing someone with a nightly action up and about.
GOAL: catch the killerHUNTER | ruthful team
Every night, this dragon hunts because they're always hungry. They then choose a dragon to give the excess prey to, and have a 25% chance of seeing that dragon performing their nightly action.
GOAL: catch the killerPARANOID DRAGON DISORDER (PDD) | ruthful team
If anything - from the Killer attacking them to the Hunter gifting prey - happens to this dragon, there's a 50% chance of the action failing. If the action does fail, they will gain a physical trait of the dragon who interacted with them.
GOAL: how do you not know this team's goal be nowWEAK WANNABE | tbd
At the beginning of the game, this dragon copies someone else. They gain that dragon's role and their goal; however, if/when they perform their new nightly action, it will only work 50% of the time. However, if the killer is executed the first day, the WW will take the killer's role and their nightly action will work 75% of the time.
GOAL: to be determined
When the Stars and Moons Fall - a Duo Fandom Mafia
Mystère / ThrillerWarriors - Life has never been more peaceful; that's what the warriors wish they could say. Blood that was never meant to drip has spilt. Cats who are filled with life fall and never get back up. StarClan must be punishing them; but why? Who would b...