Intro and Aesthetics

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Piara Rosh Harshveer Daksesh

Piara Rosh Harshveer Daksesh

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Lakshya Chatura

Lavanya Chatura Harshveer Daksesh

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Lavanya Chatura Harshveer Daksesh

Lavanya Chatura Harshveer Daksesh

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Harshveer Daksesh

Harshveer Daksesh

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Welcome to the second book of the Battle series

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Welcome to the second book of the Battle series . I am your author , who is crazy . I'm proud to present this book "Battle for Love " . Our dearest Piara is getting a happy ending . I'm happy for Pia :) . Don't we all love Piara.

 Don't we all love Piara

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Its a touchy subject because each and every reader is the reason of me writing this so they deserve the dedications .

Its a touchy subject because each and every reader is the reason of me writing this so they deserve the dedications

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you , Yeah I'm talking about you itself . thankyou for reading this so this dedication is to you . I am grateful that you took your time to read me ranting .

I dedicate all my trilogy to my cousin Sree sreelakshmivijayan , She is the reason I'm writing this

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I dedicate all my trilogy to my cousin Sree sreelakshmivijayan , She is the reason I'm writing this . She encouraged me to write this book , i had the idea in my head but I had hesitation writing but i did write this because she encouraged me to . Love you Gorgeous!.

magicallovely , thanks for the shoutout

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magicallovely , thanks for the shoutout .It really made an unnamable change to the fate of this series! . I would be thankful forever .

Thanks Capellarc for doing my description!! She is a miracle worker who changed my bad description into something really good!!

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Thanks Capellarc for doing my description!! She is a miracle worker who changed my bad description into something really good!!

Battle for Love ♡Completed♡Where stories live. Discover now