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Ivan looks at me and then back at Elliot.

"Y-you're what?" Ivan asked shocked.

"Pregnant, she's pregnant."

"Well," Ivan says while pushing up his glasses. "This is a rare case indeed,"

Ivan picks up his phone and calls someone.

"L/n and Witt are expecting," Ivan says into the phone.

"They're- they're expecting a child," Ivan says into the phone again. "Okay sir, I'll tell them,"

Ivan hangs up the phone and me and Elliot look at him.

"We can hold the games off, but no one gets to know that's it's because you're pregnant Y/n." Ivan pauses before speaking again. "We'll put out an announcement stating that something needs to be fixed up with the games before we can compete,"

"Thank you so much," I state as I get out of the chair.

"You have an ex-excel-exallen-exa- a-a great rest of your day!" Elliot says as he gets up from his chair.

We exit the building and walk towards our car.

Elliot unlocks the doors and opens mine for me.

"Thank you handsome," I smile.

"No problem, beautiful!"

Elliot closes my door once I'm safe inside of the car and then he jogs to the drivers side of the car.

He puts the key in the engine and turns on the radio.

"Any requests?" Elliot asked.

"No, whatever you put on is fine."

Elliot nods his head and turns on some rapper.

He pulls out of the parking stall and starts rapping some of the lyrics to the song.

Once we make it home, me and Elliot play a board game.

I end up beating Elliot because he is very bad at the game.

"You got lucky that time, Y/n!"

"Did I now?" I asked with a smirk plastered on my face.

Elliot leans forward on the table and I do the same.

There is only a few inches separating us.

"Yes, yes you did!"

"Maybe you just suck," I reply.

"No no no, you suck." Elliot smirks and winks at me.

I blink a couple of times, a blush spreading across my cheeks, taken aback by what he just said.

"You wish," I reply.

"Oh, I don't wish, I know." Elliot states with a cocky smile spread across his face.

"No you don't,"

"Then what were you doing a few months ago, or last week, or last nig-,"

"Shut it Witt!"

Elliot starts to die of laughter.

"I love you," he coos as he pokes my cheek.

I scrunch my face up and roll my eyes.

"Yeah, I love you too I guess."

Elliot leans forward as far as he can and pecks my lips.

I smile at him before pecking his lips back.


Apex (Lovers) Legends 2 | Mirage x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now