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"Attention, ring movement in progress!" The familiar announcement lady states as the ring starts to close around us.

"Looks like we're already inside this next ring," Elliot states as we step inside of an open area.

This circle is getting super small and I know that means a bunch of squads will be joining us soon.

I think now is the perfect time for my to use my abilities.

I set up fake loot in all of the nearby houses and then I make an illusion that makes the house that me, Elliot, and Loba are currently in invisible.

"We just have to stay super quiet and we'll be alright!" I state in a low whisper.

Loba nods her head.

"Aye Aye, Cap'n!" Elliot states as he salutes me.

"Shut up, Witt!" I state harshly as I smack him in the arm.


Apex (Lovers) Legends 2 | Mirage x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now