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I get pulled off of Elliots body by someone in an emergency technicians uniform.

A few more walk past me and to Elliot.

As much as I want to, I can't find the strength to argue or fight back.

They pull me away from him and into a helicopter.

No one else is inside, just me and the pilot.

He flies me back to the place where this madness all started.


When I arrive, I'm checked for any serous injuries to my body.

No one finds anything so they lead me to my room.

As usual, they're throwing a party to celebrate the big win.

I'm not in the partying mood, so I decide on staying in my room until they release me to go home.

I sit in my room in silence...well, right now silence isn't really silence.

It's like silence even has a sound.


After a couple of days, they finally say I am able to go home.

I walk outside and towards the car that'll drop me off to me and Elliots apartment.

A long drive later, and I finally make it home.

I open the door and step inside of the apartment.

"Y/n, is that you?" I hear the voice of a lady ask.

"Yeah," I reply.

The lady walks towards me and lets out a smile.

There is a little girl attached to her leg, trying her best to be hidden.

I offer her a sweet smile and she tries to hide herself deeper behind the ladies legs.

"Willow, go say hi to your mama." The lady says.

Willow looks up at her and hesitantly steps out from behind the ladies legs.

I lean down to Willows level and I smile.

She grew up just to look exactly like Elliot...

She has my nose and eye color, but her face structure, nose, eye shape, and ears are all from Elliot.

Willow waves at me and then walks back to the lady.

"There's no need to be shy, sweetie. That's mama, remember? I showed you a bunch of pictures of mama and dada."

Willow nods her head and walks over to me again.

This time she hugs me.

I hug her back and attempt to hold back my tears.


Apex (Lovers) Legends 2 | Mirage x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now