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The next few weeks in the games consist of Loba flirting with Mirage and me getting angry but then calming down because at the end of the day, I'm the one who has Elliot and not her.

We've only been in one other fight so far and Loba actually can take care of herself.

She finished a whole squad by herself, but to be fair, the squad was filled with a bunch of noobs who weren't prepared to play in the games.

Any who, Loba has finally decided to stick with us.

"Are you guys hungry?" Loba asked as she pulls out a can of beans.

"Yeah, I should probably eat something, I haven't eaten since yesterday morning." I state.

Loba nods her head and then looks towards Elliot.

"How about you, hot stuff?"

"No, I'm not hungry, thanks."

"Uh, yeah. He's gonna eat!" I glare at Elliot and he shakes his head no. "You haven't eaten in a while, pretty soon you're gonna run out of energy."

Loba opens the can and pulls out a piece of a tree that she picked up.

I'm guessing she carved the piece of tree so that there's space in between for food; in a way, it's acting as a bowl.

Loba also grabs three spoons from her backpack.

She pours some beans inside of the "bowl" and places two spoons inside as she hands it to me.

I hand the bowl to Elliot and he frowns.

He mumbles something about not wanting to eat but eats some of the food anyway.

Elliot hands the bowl to me and I quickly eat the beans.

"Thanks Loba." I state as I take the last bite of beans.

"Mhm, no problem."

There is a few beats of silence before Loba breaks it.

"So, what are your plans for after the game?"

"Hm, I'm going to spend as much time as I can with my daughter before the next Apex games." Elliot states as he lets out a yawn.

"D-daughter?!" Loba asked almost chocking on her beans. "Y-you have a kid?"

Elliot nods his head.

"Yeah, she's the cutest little thing!" Elliot coos.

"So you do have a girlfriend?" Loba asked.

"Yeah he does," I pause as I look at Loba. "I'd appreciate it if you'd stop flirting with my baby daddy!"

Loba laughs.

"Don't take it personally dear, he's just the only person I can flirt with who's not trying to kill me!" Loba pauses and places a finger to her chin. "I suppose that makes a lot of sense. You two seem like you'd make a cute couple."


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