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As me and Elliot walk through our apartment door, I keep fantasizing about how our baby's room will be.

Since me and Elliot got together, we both moved into the master bedroom and kept the spare one as a guest bedroom.

Now, the guest room will be the babies room!

"Should we make it all pink?" I asked as I walk into the kitchen.

"Pink?" Elliot shudders. "Anything but pink!"

"How about a nice yellow?"

"That's better then pink." Elliot chuckles.

I grab a pot, filling it with water.

I then place the pot of water on the stove.

"Are you cooking?"

I simply nod my head and grab a can of tomato sauce from the cabinet.

"Pork chops?"

"If I say no will you be sad?"

"Very," Elliot states with a pout.

"Well sorry babe, I'm making spaghetti!"

"Wow, you got my hopes up and now you're-wow-I..." Elliot starts fumbling his words.

"You see how mean your mommy is to me?" Elliot asked while leaning down to my stomach.

I move past Elliot and I grab some noodles.

"I'm going to go workout," Elliot states.

He places a kiss on my cheek before walking towards our room.

I place the noodles in the water that I started boiling earlier and I grab some ground beef from the refrigerator.

After mixing all of the ingredients together, I put the necessary spices and seasonings inside of the spaghetti and I call Elliot to the dinner table.

I place our plates on the table and sit down in my seat.

He walks out of our room with a towel wrapped around his neck and no shirt on.

"Damn you're fine," I think to myself.

Elliot lets out a small chuckle before speaking.

"Thank you babe." Elliot pecks my cheek as he walks to his seat.

While we eat, Elliot starts talking about how he's super close to finding his brothers and his dad.

One of the private investigators is close to finding out if they're alive or dead.

"I hope they're all okay," I state as I eat some of the spaghetti.

"Yeah, me too."

There's a brief moment of silence, the only thing that's heard is the clanking of our forks on our plates.

I glance at Elliot and he looks pretty upset.

I reach across the table and grab his hand squeezing it lightly.

"Everything's gonna be okay,"

Elliot regains his composure and flashes me a smile.

"It's fine, everything's fine!"  Elliot states with a smile.

Even with the smile, I can see through it.

I know he doesn't want the feelings he pushed deep down to resurface.

He doesn't want to have any hope that his brothers and father could be alive because he pushed that thought way back into his mind and it pains him to have that hope because that hope can be destroyed at any moment.

If this doesn't work out the way he wants to, I'm afraid Elliot may be broken afterwords.


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