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"We're seriously doing this?" Elliot asked as we get in his car.

I nod my head before glancing at him.

"I'm doing this, you can stay home if you'd like," I smile at him.

"No, we'll do this and everything else together."

Elliot grabs my hand and gives it a light squeeze before letting it go and driving off.


I stand in front of the funeral home and I let out a sigh.

Elliot grabs my hand as we walk in and we take a seat in the back of the building.

Currently, people are going up to share memories that they have had with a Vivian.

The service goes by quickly and they open Vivian's casket.

Since there aren't many people I quickly reach the casket and look at Vivian's lifeless body.

My eyes immediately start to water and I begin to sob.

"I'm so sorry Vi...I'm sorry...you-you didn't deserve to die like this."


As we walk out of the building, Ryan makes eye contact with me and he stares at me as I walk past him.

"I thought I told you I didn't want to see your face here." Ryan says.

Elliot immediately shuts him up and Ryan looks at him shocked.

"Y/n didn't have a choice, Ryan. You weren't there and you don't know what happened. She doesn't need your shit right now!" Elliot pauses and takes a deep breathe attempting to calm himself down. "I understand you're hurting, and you want to blame your daughters death on someone, but look at her!"

Elliot motions to me.

My eyes are red and puffy from crying and my cheeks are decorated with dried up tears.

"She's hurting too, just like you. If you wanna blame someone, blame the damn creators of these games."

Before Ryan has a chance to reply, Elliot is pulling me away from him and into the car.

I wipe my tears away and let out a sniffle.

"Thanks," I say as I grab Elliots hand.



Apex (Lovers) Legends 2 | Mirage x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now