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"Ha look at that! It looks like we're already inside this next ring!" Elliot states.

Since were already inside of the ring and it's beginning to get dark, we all agree to set up camp in a building for the night.

Loba sets her cover up in a corner near the door.

"Night guys," she says as she closes her eyes.

"Goodnight!" Me and Elliot say in unison.

I place my backpack down and grab my cover and pillow.

"Did you pick a blanket this time?" I asked in a low whisper.

"Actually!" Elliot exclaims as he places his backpack down looking through it.

He pulls out a blanket and pillow with a huge grin on his face.

"I did!" Elliot exclaims happily.

He places his blanket down and I do the same.

"Night night!" Elliot says as he lays on top of his blanket.

"Night!" I reply doing to the same.

I place my cover on top of us and Elliot pulls me closer to his chest.

He quickly kisses my cheek and I smile to myself.

Before I know it, I'm fast asleep.


Apex (Lovers) Legends 2 | Mirage x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now