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The feet continues to get closer and closer to us.

"Stay back I'll handle them," Elliot whispers as he holds an arm out to stop me from proceeding any further.

I don't have time to argue so I just stay back.

Elliot pulls his gun out and aims at the person.

"Hey don't shoot me!" I hear Loba say.

I get up from my hiding spot and I walk to Loba.

"Hey Y/n I'm so sorry fo-,"

I don't listen to what she has to say.

The only thing that I do is punch her in the face.

I shake my hand out and look up at her.

"That's for leaving your damn squad to die in the first place." I pause before speaking again. "Next time don't be afraid of danger or death, don't be a damn coward!"

Loba looks at me with a shocked look on her face as she holds her jaw.

Her face goes from shocked to a smirk being plastered on her face.

"Nice right hook, Y/n~!" She says as she gets off the floor. "I'll let that one pass this time because I deserved it...don't try it again!"

Loba starts to bend her jaw as she lets out some painful sounds.

I turn away from Loba and I walk to the second story of the building.

I sit down on a nearby box and I let out a sigh.

It's already been so long since I've seen my dang daughter.

Me and Elliot are already missing so many of her first...

I'm not the one feeding her right now or tending to her every need.

Instead my baby girl is with a random women, getting attached to her and not me.

I let out a long sigh as I place my head in my hands.

"I just wanna go home and live a normal life," I whisper to myself as a few tears leave my eyes. "I miss my baby."

"Y/n, you up here?" Elliot asked as he walks up the stairs.

I quickly wipe my tears away and pretend to be in deep thought as Elliot makes it fully up the stairs.

"I'm a over here."

He turns the corner and looks at me.

"Hey what's wrong?" Elliot asked as he squats in front of me. "Were you crying?"

I shake my head no as Elliot looks me deeply in the eyes.

I know he can tell that I'm lying, but he doesn't push me any further.

"If you're upset about Willow, don't worry, she's fine. She'll know who we are. You'll have your mother daughter bond and I'll have that father daughter bond."

I look at anything but Elliot as I blink away a couple of tears.

"You're gonna make it out of here. I'll make sure of that."

I turn my attention to Elliot and I smile at him.

"You mean we'll make it out of here?" I grab his hand. "Together."

"I mean that's the best that could happen! The worst is that I somehow die trying to protect you and you make it home and raise Willow without a dad."

"Don't put yourself in danger for me Elliot," I pause. "If anything happened to you, I don't know what I'd do."

"Don't worry, I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon." Elliot replies with a smile.

I nod my head showing that I understand and Elliot leans forward kissing my lips.

"Am I interrupting something?" Loba asked.

She startled me and I jump accidentally biting Elliots lip.

"I'm sorry,"

Elliot sucks on his bottom lip.

"Ahhh, I'm okay!"


Apex (Lovers) Legends 2 | Mirage x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now