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Me, Loba, and Elliot are all still safe inside of my illusion.

The sound of bullets and grenades can be heard all around us.

Once there is a moment of silence, I let the illusion stop and we head to the next circle.

There are only four squads left.

I walk next to Loba and Elliot follows closely behind us.

"Hello beauties, I hate to say this, but I have business to handle! I'm afraid my story has come to an end!" Loba states as she pulls out her gun.

She takes her bracelet off of her wrist and looks me in the eyes.

"Wh-where are you going?" I asked as I hold onto one side of her bracelet so she can't throw it.

"I've been tracking that Demonio that killed my parents and I've found him." Loba states as she sighs. "I came to these games to kill him and I'm going to do that or die trying."

Elliot looks at Loba and he sticks his hand out.

"Be careful,"

She shakes his hand before chuckling.

"Unlike you, I'm not afraid to die my friend!" She winks and lets go of his hand.

"Goodbye Loba, until we meet again." I put my hand out for Loba to shake and instead she pulls me into a hug.

"Bye Y/n,"

Loba walks a few feet in front of us and throws her bracelet out.

She stands there admiring her nails before looking back at me and Elliot with a smile and then, she disappears.


————Time Skip ————


"Attention! There are three squads remaining!" The ring lady states.

Elliot glances at me and I look back at him.

"What?" I asked as I look away from him.

"Are you ready to go home?" He asked.

I nod my head and smile at him.

"We're going home..."

Elliot chuckles.

"That's what I meant!"

"Sounds like the last two squads are fighting, we should go third party."

Elliot nods and kisses my cheek as we walk out of the building that we were in.

As soon as we walk out, smoke surrounds us and I begin to cough trying to find my way through it.

"Babe!" I call out as I wave my hands around trying to find Elliot.

"I'm here!" Elliot says as he grabs my hand.

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