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This chapter may contain scenes that may be triggering to some. Read at your own discretion.


Running through the unfamiliar hallway, the end of it reaches my view.

At the end of the hallway, there is a mirror.

As I look into the mirror I see myself staring back at me.

"You are a murderer!" My reflection says angrily. "You're nothing but a murderer who kills innocent people and kills their own family!"

I shake my head no.

"Yes, Y/n! You don't save anyone, you just kill people! You killed Vivian..."

I squeeze my eyes shut and clench my fist together as I hang my head low.

"Shut up..." I mumble to myself.

"You killed Anita..."

I let out a shaky breathe.

"You killed Loba..."

"S-stop it!" I say as my hands begin to tremble.

"You even killed Elliot!" My reflection scoffs.

"Shut up..." I say louder this time.

"What's next?" She asked with a smirk. "Are you gonna kill your own daughter too?"

"I said SHUT UP!" I yell and throw the mirror, smashing it into a million pieces.

The shattered glass falls to the floor and then begins to swirl around.

It starts off small but then it turns into something similar to a big hurricane made out of glass.

It makes its way towards me and I cover my eyes, waiting for it to hit me.

It never does.

Uncovering my eyes, I look around and see I'm in a plain field of green grass.

I turn around and I see Vivian standing there.

"Vivian?" I asked myself.

"Why did you kill me sister? I would've never done the same to you!"

Before I have a chance to answer, Vivian's body fades away into Elliots body.

"Y/n...y-you didn't love me enough to stop me from running to my death!"

"Th-that's not true El-,"

His body fades away and Loba replaces it.

"You're a beautiful disappointment." Loba says as she shakes her head.

Her body disappears and Anita's takes her place.

"I should've killed you that day..." Anita says, her face showing nothing but disappointment.

Anita disappears and Vivian takes her place.

"We." She states and then disappears again, Lobas body replacing hers.

"Are." Loba states before disappearing.

Anita replaces Loba before speaking.


Anita disappears and Elliot takes her place.

"Dead..." Elliot states.

They all appear in front of me.

"Because of you!" They all day together.

A tingle gets sent all over my body and I break down and cry.

"I'm sorry," I mutter as I sob. "I'm so sorry."

I fall to my knees.


I wake up and shoot up from my bed.

My body is sweaty and my breathing is uneasy.

I look around and see that I'm in my bedroom.

"Are you okay, babe?" I hear a familiar voice ask. "Did you have another bad dream?"

I blink away a couple of tears before turning my attention to the voice.

When I don't reply, Elliot pulls me into his arms and holds me as I cry.

"It's okay...do you wanna talk about it?"

I shake my head no.


-A few weeks earlier-

"Hello Miss. L/n. We've called you here today to discuss some very exciting news!" One of the Apex doctors states as they signal for me to follow them.

"Why am I here?"

"We've brought you here today to inform you that your boyfriend, Elliot Witt, is alive."

My heart skips a beat.

"What do you mean he's- he's alive?" I asked confused.

"Me and my nurses arrived at the scene as soon as your squad won the game. Elliot's body was in shock from the amount of blood he was losing, but we got there just in time to stop the bleeding and do the necessary procedures to keep him alive and stable enough to make it back here. Once we got back here, we did a blood transfusion and let Elliot rest up."

"Why didn't anyone let me know there was a chance he was still alive?"

"We didn't want to give you false hope Miss...we thought it'd be better to give you good news and not good news with a chance of bad news later." The doctor pauses.


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