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After a few more minutes of waiting, the door to the ship opens up.

Immediately, people start jumping out.

"Who's gonna be our jump master?" Loba asked.

"I'll do it!" Elliot volunteers.

There are only a few squads left on the ship so Loba decides to jump.

"I'm gonna land in the swampy area!" Loba states. "I'm pretty sure everyone else has dropped."

Loba jumps out of the ship.

"Come on babe, let's go!" Elliot states as he holds out his hand.

I grab his hand and we both go near the end of the ship.

My heartbeat increases and I close my eyes.

Once I open my eyes, I'm falling from the ship.

"WHAT THE HELL! DID YOU PUSH ME OFF?" I asked yelling so Elliot could hear me.

"WHAT?" he yelled back.



I narrow my eyes at my boyfriend and he smiles innocently at me.

We make it to the ground and Elliot follows me into a building.

"I'll take down you take up?"

Elliot determinately nods his head and runs upstairs.

"Shops open boys and girls," Loba says into our ear pieces.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Ugh, forget it!"

Shaking my head, I look around the bottom half of the building and I find a body shield.

I get ready to grab it, but it disappears in front of my eyes.

The only thing left behind is a blue trail leading outside of my building into another nearby one.

I quickly grab the Re-45 and light ammo that's by the front door.

I walk deeper into the building and I find a knockdown shield and some more ammo.

Once I'm finished looting, I make my way upstairs to Elliot.

"Anything good?" I asked.

"I found a R-301, a Flatline, some ammo, a grenade, and a body shield!"

Elliot hands me the body shield and I shake my head shoving it back at him.

"Keep it,"

Elliot shakes his head no and pushes the body shield back at me.

"I have decoys, you take it."

I grab the body shield and I place it on over my clothes.

It disappears, but I can feel it on my body.

"Oh wow, that's new!" I state shocked.

"Hey Elliot, I have a purple shield with your name on it!" Loba says through the ear pieces.

Elliot looks at me and I nod my head giving him permission to go.

He kisses my cheek and runs off towards Loba.

I decide to loot a few more houses.

"Y/n, there should be another purple shield in that pill next to you." Loba states.

Opening a loot pill that's nearby, I find purple shields inside.

"How the hell did you know these were in here?" I asked confused.

I pick up the meds and knockdown shield that's inside of the pill.

"A lady never kisses and tells."

I roll my eyes and make my way into the building that Loba and Elliot are in.

I drop the knockdown shield for Elliot and he thanks me.

"Where do you want to go next?" I asked as I lift my arm up looking at the tiny holographic mini map that's on my wrist.

Loba and Mirage do the same.

"How about, here?" Loba taps the area on the mini map that's on her wrist and a little yellow marker pops up on mine and Elliots.


"Cool, I'll meet you guys there!" Loba winks and walks out the building and I follow her.

"Shouldn't we stay together?" I asked as Loba takes a bracelet off her wrist.

She frisbee tosses it meters in front of us.

"I'm kind of a lone wolf, sorry!"

"B-," I get cut off by Loba disappearing.

"How?!" I ask Loba.

"My bracelet..."

Elliot walks up behind me, gun in his hand.

"Come on, we should probably catch up to her."

I smack my lips together.

"She wants to be a lone wolf, let her be by herself!"

Elliot chuckles before shaking his head.

"Despite what she said, our best chances of winning this would be together, with three people!"

I clutch my backpack straps and jog up a ramp.

"Fine then, let's go." I sigh.

I can already tell she's going to be a big ass headache...


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It motivates me to update faster!

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