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"Man, it's so hot out here!" Elliot states with a groan.

"It's extremely hot out today!" I state.

I place my gun on my back and wipe my forehead.

"Jesus," Loba says as she fans herself. "Th-this isn't normal heat boys and girls!"

"I think there's a squad nearby. It might be one of their members abilities!"

"I think we should head to the circle, we don't wanna get caught up with too many squads while we-!" Elliot explains.

He gets cut off by a dart hitting him in the neck.

"Ah!" Elliot cries out in pain.

I quickly pull out my gun and set up some fake look nearby.

Hopefully that'll distract them for a bit!

The loot didn't fake the squad out.

I see something red get thrown near us and then a bunch of familiar bombs drop from the sky.

"We're gonna die! We're gonna die! We're gonna die!" Elliot repeatedly mutters to himself.

"Will you please just shut up and run inside!" I asked irritated.

"Look at her," Mirage says, his words all slow and slurred. "Someone's a grumpy Mc.grumpy pants!"

I grab Mirages arm and pull him inside of a building.

Loba follows closely after us.

Right as I close the door, multiple explosions go off.

Someone used their ultimate to pin us against the storm that's closing in.

I hear a loud thump and then someone say 'Fences placed!'.

Once I hear that, I can hear the electricity crackling on the other side of the door.

"Looks like you're trapped!" Loba states as she squats down to pick up a nearby grenade and places it onto her grenade belt. "I'm out of here,"

"What do you mea-?"

Loba throws her bracelet out of a nearby window and teleports away from us.

"Fuckin Loba!" I growl.

Mirage holds his hand out in front of himself and he chuckles at it.

"Everything is spinning," he says.

I shake my head and pace around the building.

The storm is slowly creeping it's way to us.

"Come on, Y/n think!" I say to myself. "How are we going to get out of this? We have to make it out of this for Willow."

I nod to myself turning my attention back to Elliot.

His skin is turning pale and he has sweat dripping down his body.

Elliot tries to stand up, but his body falls down.

I run a hand through my hair and I start to panic.

I can feel tears begin to swell up in my eyes.

I-I don't know what to do, th-this is how we die.

If I go though those fences, I'll be too hurt to keep me and Elliot alive, and if I go through the back door that storm is going to kill us.

I glance at Elliot who is mumbling about something.

I walk towards the door and I open it.

"Maybe I could crawl under it." I state. "Nah, they're too low to the ground."

Walking back to Elliot, I see that we're near a window.

That's it! The windows!

I grab Elliot and I help him to his feet.

Moving him safely away from the window, I close my eyes and bash my pistol as hard as I can against the window.

It doesn't break.

"Come on," I state as I bang the window again.

I glance to my left and the storm is getting way to close for comfort.

"Come on!" I yell angrily.

I bash the window with all of my strength and it finally breaks.

I run over to Elliot and I lead him to the window.

"Do you think you could jump out?"

"Jump- ou.." Elliot states.

He glances at the window and nods his head.

I jump out of the window before Elliot and signal for him to jump.

It takes him a few seconds but he jumps out the window and lands safely on the ground.

The storm is literally a few inches away from us once I grab Elliot and run towards the circle.

Luck seems to be on our side today, because the circle isn't too far from here.

"We made it El," I state out of breathe. "We-we made it."


Apex (Lovers) Legends 2 | Mirage x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now