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Loba, Elliot, and I all wait for the door to open to the drop ship.

As we wait, we sit down and ask each other questions.

"Why did you guys join the games?" Loba asked as she looks at her nails.

"I joined because I wanted to do something..." Elliot states as he leans back in his chair.

"How about you Y/n?"

"I was trying to protect my stepsister by coming to the games as her, but then my name also got pulled and we both ended up competing in the games."

"Oh wow, that's very crazy..." Loba replies nonchalantly.

I can tell that she was halfway listening to me but I just decide to ignore it.

"I'm here to kill the man who killed my parents,"

There's a few moments of silence.

Loba glances at Elliot and a smirk makes its way to her face.

"Mirage?" She calls out.


"Are you single?" Loba asked. "I'm looking for someone special to take out."

I blink a couple of times processing what Loba just said.

Before Elliot has a chance to answer, the main doors open and we are called out to the drop ship.

Everyone gets inside and we slowly begin to fly into the air.

I look around the ship and I try to find Bangalore in the crowd.

There's too many people in the ship so I can't find her.

"Y/n." I hear a familiar voice call out.

I quickly turn around and see Bangalore standing there.

"Banga-boo!" Elliot calls out.

He pushes past multiple people in the ship and gives her a hug.

She glares at him.

"Five, four, three."

"Wh- why are you counting?!" Elliot asked.

"I think that maybe you should let her go." Loba states as she flinches once Bangalore looks at her.

Elliot lets go of Bangalore and she looks at me and salutes me.

I salute her back with a smile.

"How does your squad look?" I asked.

Anita lets out a long sigh as she shakes her head.

"They look like they're super young and they're going to need to be carried by me!"

"Man, this sucks! How come we couldn't all be together? I miss our old squad!" Elliot whines.

"The worst part is, I'm not planning on losing so I might have to kill you guys." Anita states with a straight face.

My eyes widen at her statement and then she lets out a laugh?

"I'm just kidding, you guys get three times to see me without me killin you, so let's just hope we don't meet each other in the end!"

"Only three?" Elliot asked with a frown.

I smack him on his head.

"Be grateful she's even giving us three!"

"Do I get this pass too?" Loba asked as she glances at herself in a nearby window.

"Do I know you?"

"N-no, but-!" Loba says nervously.

Anita arches an eyebrow at her before shaking her head no.

"-For one, I don't know you, and number two is I. don't. know. you."

Elliot lets out a long and awkward whistle and then there is silence between the four of us.

"Well anyway, I've gotta go back to those babies-I-I mean those squad mates of mine!"

Anita holds out a hand and Elliot is the first one to shake it.

"Bye, Anita. Be safe." I state as I shake her hand.

Before the handshake is over, I pull Anita towards me and pull her into a hug.

To my surprise, she hugs me back.

Once we break the hug, Anita walks away.

That was the last time we ever saw her again...

I'm kidding! We saw her again!

Damn it, Elliot is really rubbing off on me!


Apex (Lovers) Legends 2 | Mirage x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now