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Once we're safely inside the circle, Elliot passes out.

After checking his pulse and making sure he's alive, I drink some water and tend to some of the cuts that I got from the window breaking.

It's not long after that that I hear Loba's voice though the headset.

"Hey, are you guys alright?" She asked.

"Yeah, we're fine no thanks to you."

"Hey, if it makes you feel any better, I felt bad and went back for you guys, but you were gone!"

"Oh yeah!" I scoff. "It doesn't!"

I roll my eyes and glance at Elliot.

He still doesn't look too good.

"Where are you two?"

I debate on if I should answer her question.

"We're in a building, Elliot is unconscious now."

"Oh I'm sorry. I'm sure he'll be okay."

I don't reply to Loba, instead I turn to my boyfriend.

Placing two fingers on his neck, I check his pulse again making sure he's alive.

He is.

I attempt to shake Elliot trying to wake him up.

I fail.

Grabbing my water canister, I pour it all on Elliot.

He slowly opens his eyes and coughs.

"What are you trying to do, drown me?" Elliot asked as he looks me up and down.

I chuckle lightly before shaking my head no.

I throw myself on Elliot and he falls back holding himself up on his elbows.

"What are you-?"

I cut him off by grabbing him by his cheeks, pulling him into a deep kiss.

Elliot kisses me back and grabs the small of my back.

The kiss starts to get heated and Elliot pulls away.

"Maybe we should stop," he says as he lets out a nervous laugh. "We don't wanna start anything we can't finish."

I peck Elliots lips once more before getting off of his lap.

"Wait, where's Loba?"

"She left us." I state.

"Did she really just leave us like that?"

I nod my head yes and Elliot shakes his head in disappointment.

He gets up and looks at his mini map.

"Well we've gotta get moving if we don't want to get caught up at the edge of the storm."

I nod my head and pick up my backpack.

"Ready?" I asked as I grab my gun reloading it.

Elliot grabs his bag and nods his head as he takes out his pocket knife.



Apex (Lovers) Legends 2 | Mirage x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now