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Months later

Me and Elliot are currently on our way to the hospital.

I'm officially five and a half months pregnant so me and Elliot can finally figure out the gender of our baby.

Elliot wanted to keep it a surprise, but I want to know if I'm going to be having a baby boy or a baby girl.

As we walk into the building and into the elevator, I can't hold my excitement in.

We reach out desired floor and then wait in the waiting room.

"What do you think the baby is?" I asked Elliot as we wait.

"I've told you a billion times, I don't care what they are as long as he or she is healthy!"

"I want a girl but then I want a boy!"

Elliot laughs at my statement and shakes his head.

"You've told me that about a billion times too..."

"Well, I guess it's gonna be a billion and one because I want a girl but then I want a boy!"

Elliot lets out a sigh and places his head in his hands.


I just laugh in response.

Not long after that, a nurse calls out my name.

They walk us to the back and she takes my weight and height.

After that, she leads me and Elliot into a room.

"Your doctor will be back here soon," the nurse states with a smile.

"Thank you!" I reply returning the smile.

Elliot looks at me and then at my stomach and smiles.

"You look cute pregnant!"

"Oh really?" I state as I laugh. "Don't get used to it! I'm not having anymore kids!"

"What?" Elliot asked, he throws his arms up as he says this.

"I'm stopping at one,"

"B-b-but what if it's a girl?" Elliot asked.

"Then it's a girl,"

"I need to have a boy, Y/n! It's a family tradition!" Elliot whines holding out the "n" in "tradition".

I shrug my shoulders and Elliot folds his arms.

Before Elliot has a chance to reply, the doctor walks inside of the room.

"Hi, how's your day going so far?" The doctor asked as she sits on her chair.

She puts on gloves and grabs a tube of some type of jelly for my stomach.

"We're doing okay," I reply with a smile.

"That's wonderful to hear!" The doctor replies. "Y/n, can you do me a favor and lay down so we can see what your little bundle of joy will be?"

I nod my head and lay down on the hospital bed.

I lift my shirt up and wait for further information from the doctor.

"This may be a little cold," the doctor squeezes the contents of the tube onto my stomach and then she move this wand looking thing around, spreading it out.

They turn their computer monitor so me and Elliot can see the screen.

"If you look here you can see what appears to be the head! By the looks of this," the doctor moves the wand and smiles. "It looks like you're having a baby girl!"

A smile spreads across my face and I can feel tears forming in my eyes.


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