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Once I regain my composure, I get ready to remove the second bullet.

My hands are shaking and Elliots actions are not making my nerves any better.

His breathing is slow and rugged, his body is sweating, and a tune of painful moans, groans, and grunts are coming from his lips.

I'm no doctor, but I know he's lost a lot of blood.

"Y/n!" Elliot says softly.

I look at him and nod my head.

"I-I need you to- to go and kill that last squad. There shouldn't be anymore then two people...I think I'd have a better chance at surviving at the-" he pauses to catch his breathe. "Th- the hospital."

I shake my head no at Elliot.

"I'm not leaving you alone."

"I'll be okay, I promise." Elliot sends me a weak smile and I smile back at him. "Just finish them off quickly, if-if you can!"

Determined, I nod my head.

I am going to kill whoever did this to him...

I kiss Elliots cheek softly before getting up and grabbing my guns and grenades.

I don't take my backpack because that'll only slow me down.

Once I'm outside, I make an illusion of me, Loba, and Elliot before hiding behind a rock.

I pickup one of my grenades and I throw it as far as I can into the center of the circle.

It doesn't make it where I intended it to, but it does explode in the air.

I'm trying to bait the last few people out, I think to myself.

I grab another grenade from my belt and I throw it.

This one also explodes into the air.

A bullet flys from in front of me and shoots my illusion of Loba.

I peek from behind my rock and my eyes widen.

Why? Why does it have to be her?

"A-Anita!" I exclaim as I jump up from behind my rock.

I have my hands up and I slowly approach her.

She has her weapon pointed at me ready to shoot.

"Don't come any closer." She says seriously.

"It's me, Y/n!"

"How do I know this isn't a trick?" She asked. "A soldier doesn't get fooled by the same trick twice."

I'm guessing she's referring back to last years games and her sons ability.

"Anita!" I state as I let out a nervous laugh. "I swear it's me! R-remember when me and Elliot went to your house and we couldn't stop laughing at the spoiled milk joke you made!"

Anita lowers her gun and lets out a sigh.

"Wh-where your squad?"

"I-I'm not sure if Loba is still alive and Elliot-" I sigh as I look at the floor. "Someone shot him and he's lost a lot of blood."

I glance at Anita and she shakes her head slowly.

"I-I'm so sorry..." Anita states.

"It's okay, you don't have anything to be sorry about!"

"It was me...I-I didn't know it was Elliot until after I shot the bullets! He- he came in by himself and I just I thought it was the rest of the squad I just finished off." Anitas watery eyes meet mine. "I'm so so sorry."

I look at my friend and I let out a slow, shaky breathe.

"Y-you...you could be the reason that he-"

I can't finish my sentence.

My sadness immediately turns to rage.

"I said I was going to kill whoever hurt him!" I mumble as I point my gun towards Anita.

She looks at me, her face showing no emotions at all.

"But I- I can't kill you Anita." I drop my weapon and Anita smiles at me.

It's not a happy smile, it's one full of sadness.

"I can't kill you either..." she pauses. "But, I know someone I can kill."

Anita raises her gun up to her head and my eyes widen.

"Until we meet again, soldier."

"A-Anita! Don't!" I cry out.

I'm too late.

She's already pulled the trigger, her now lifeless body falls to the floor.

My heart is beating against my chest so hard that I can hear it in my ears.

"Rest in piece, Anita."

I walk over to her body and lay her onto her back.

I put her hands together and rest them on her stomach before closing her eyes.

Walking back to where I left Elliot, I see him sitting there completely still with his head hung low.

"I-I did it, Elliot."

He doesn't even move at the sound of my voice.

My heart skips a beat as I step closer to him.

"Elliot?" I asked in a low whisper.

When he doesn't reply, I run over to his side and I shake his body.

Maybe- maybe he's asleep!

He doesn't wake up.

"Elliot! Elliot please wake up!" I whisper. "Please, please, please..."

I continue to shake him with every please that rolls off of my lips.

My warm tears fall against his chest as I break down and cry.

"Talk to me, Witt! Don't shut up! T-talk to me...I need you to talk to me!" I say in between sobs.

"Introducing your Apex Champions!" The ring lady announces.


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