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The virus lasted for a year and a half.

Not much has changed but the games are back on.

Me and Elliot are currently in front of the Apex games office place because we have some news to share.

Elliot and I walk into the familiar Apex games building.

"Hello Elliot," the front desk lady states eyeing Elliot.

"Hi," he replies as I grab his hand.

Despite the fact that this lady knows Elliot is taken, she is always hitting on him!

"Oh, you're here..." she states as she motions a finger towards me.

"Can we talk to Ivan, we have some news that we need to share with him!" I state.

"Ivan is in a meeting right now, he'll be out in five minutes if you're willing to wait a while."

"We'll wait." I state as I walk away.

I signal for Elliot to follow me and he looks at the lady that's sitting at the front desk.

"Thanks," he says before jogging to me.

"Why are you so rude to her?" Elliot asked as he takes a seat next to me.

"Uh, maybe because she's rude to me!" I state as I cross my arms.

Elliot chuckles and wraps an arm around me.

"Don't worry baby, I only have my eyes on you!" Elliot states with a smile.

I glance at him I scrunch my eyebrows together.

"Hmph," I pout.

He laughs and wraps an arm around me.

I feel Elliot looking at me and I look back at him.

"Seriously, you have nothing to worry about,"

"I know,"

Elliot smiles at me and he stares for a while before pulling me into a kiss.

Someone clears their throat and we break away from the kiss.

"Mr.Witt, Miss L/n! Come on in!" Ivan states as he walks into his office.

We quickly follow him inside and I begin to feel nervous.

"We can't participate in this years Apex games," I state.

"I'm afraid that's not your choice to make, you guys know the rules." Ivan states shaking his head.

"I mean, it's not like I don't want to fight for my life." I state sarcastically. "But I'm kind of not able to you know, compete."

"And why not?"

I glance at Elliot and he squeezes my hand reassuringly.

"B-because, I'm pregnant!" I mutter.


Apex (Lovers) Legends 2 | Mirage x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now