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After three more years of competing in the games, people finally decide to rebel against the creators of the games.

More and more people begin to realize that if they don't speak up, change will never happen.

Finally, after five years of fighting, the games have come to an end.


Currently, me and Elliot are watching a Disney princess movie with Willow.

"Mom, Kayla is having a sleepover this weekend, do you think I could go?" Willow asked as she eats a piece of popcorn.

I glance at Elliot and he shrugs his shoulder.

"It would be nice to have some alone time." Elliot says with a chuckle.

"Very true..." I trail off. "You can go as long as I get to meet her parents before I leave you there!"

"Yes!" Willow cheers.

We all continue to watch the movie and by the end of it, Willow is completely shocked.

"I can't believe that he was the bad guy the whole time!" She exclaims. "He seemed so in love with Anna."

"Yeah see, that's why I said no boys until your fifty!" Elliot says as he ruffles Willows hair.

"Dad!" She whines. "I'm not going to wait forty more years to date someone!"

Elliot nods his head.

"You and mom started dating at like what?" Willow pauses and places a hand on her chin. "Twenty, twenty three? Something like that!"

"I was twenty, he was twenty one!" I smile as I chime into their conversation.

Elliot shoots me a glare before turning his attention back to Willow.

"Me and your mom are different!"


"How?" Elliot asked causing Willow to nod her head.

"Yes, how?!"

"We're different because..." Elliot trails off to think causing me to let out a little laugh.

"Because...?" Willow asked as she drags out the last 'e' in because.

"Because I said it's different." Elliot finally says.

I let out a yawn and look down at my phone checking the time.

It's getting pretty late I say to myself.

"Alright you two, since you'll just keep on debating with each other for about an hour, I say I just chime in and end this discussion!" I state as I get off of the couch and stretch my body.

Elliot and Willow both look at me waiting for me to speak.

They both have the same look on their face and I can't help but smile at my husband and ten year old child.

Apex (Lovers) Legends 2 | Mirage x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now